Aviation Squadron (E): This squadron provides dedicated air support for Delta Force operations. Clandestine Squadron (G): Focuses on specialized and highly classified operations. Combat Support Squadron: This squadron provides critical support functions like EOD, medical, intelligence, and logistics. Addi...
Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre is the official expansion pack to the #1 best selling PC game in North America. Team Sabre was developed using the Delta Force — Black Hawk Down engine and it requires the mother product to run.
Each cycle, Unit intelligence analyst met with the pending alert squadron and, according to their specifically assigned threat areas of the world, stood up one by one, delivering a current Intelligence Summary (INTSUM) for their assigned sector of the world. Hizbollah never failed to make the ...
Team Sabre was developed using the Delta Force — Black Hawk Down engine and it requires the mother product to run. The game is a military-based shooter but the missions are fictitious and not based on any actual real events. The expansion follows the Team Sabre Squadron as they are ...
Aviation Squadron (E): This squadron provides dedicated air support for Delta Force operations. Clandestine Squadron (G): Focuses on specialized and highly classified operations. Combat Support Squadron: This squadron provides critical support functions like EOD, medical, intelligence, and logistics.Additi...
Team Sabre was developed using the Delta Force — Black Hawk Down engine and it requires the mother product to run. The game is a military-based shooter but the missions are fictitious and not based on any actual real events. The expansion follows the Team Sabre Squadron as they are ...
Team Sabre was developed using the Delta Force — Black Hawk Down engine and it requires the mother product to run. The game is a military-based shooter but the missions are fictitious and not based on any actual real events. The expansion follows the Team Sabre Squadron as they are ...
Team Sabre was developed using the Delta Force — Black Hawk Down engine and it requires the mother product to run. The game is a military-based shooter but the missions are fictitious and not based on any actual real events. The expansion follows the Team Sabre Squadron as they are ...
名称:Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre 类型:动作 开发商:Ritual Entertainment 发行商:NovaLogic 系列:Delta Force 发行日期:2004 年 1 月 20 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 NA metacritic 尚未有评测。 不支持简体中文 ...