要在Delta 游戏模拟器上执行Game Boy 游戏,必须要自己去找游戏的ROM 档案(简单来说就是你现在有一台Game Boy 掌上型游戏机,可以没有游戏片)。 你可以透过Emulatorgames、lategames、visualboyadvance….等这类游戏模拟器ROM 下载的网站取得GBA 游戏。 Emulatorgames: https://www.emulatorgames.net/roms/gameboy-...
Delta模擬器安裝與下載:無縫接入iOS系統 前往App Store:在iPhone 或iPad 上打開 App Store,搜索“Delta – Game Emulator”。 下載並安裝:找到Delta模擬器後,進行下載和安裝。安裝過程需要確保您的設備運行iOS 14或更高版本。 如何下載Delta的 ROM遊戲與加載 Delta 模擬器為 iPhone 用戶提供了一個無需越獄即可在 i...
名称:Delta - Game Emulator 包名:com.rileytestut.Delta MD5值: 街机游戏盒子app哪个好 游戏平台:安卓iOS 游戏类型:工具 发售日期:2025-01-26 游戏版本:中文版 游戏标签:app应用合集 74 总分玩家评分:30k73评分:44 画面:9 剧情:5 系统:5 音乐:5
Not Downloading, Not Verifying, ROMs not opening, cheats not working, and Crashing“, just ping us through the comments and we will get you at the earliest. In the next article, we will discuss the “Delta Emulator Could Not be Installed at this time” error...
Related:How to Get Raging Bolt in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet However, a lot of the people downloading the app are focused on thePokémonseries, wanting to revisit older games without having to buy them for a ridiculous price. Thankfully, there is a way to playPokémonon the Delta emulator,...
One of the most interestingROM hacks of Pokemon EmeraldisPokemon Delta Emerald. Like many ROM hacks, this game includes numerous cheats that players can use to their advantage. Remember to input the cheat as either a GameShark (Action Replay) or Code Breaker type. ...
QS键是快速保存 文件:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VRulDrTl_OLv7yvRTn_Qlw?pwd=1234 皮肤出处:红迪/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/svjnwh/i_created_a_full_screen_ds_skin_for_delta/ 潇洒小子8-24 2 有home键的iPhone能用的这个皮肤吗? 潇洒小子