The Legendary Lambda Omega Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.’s... Deltas6 years ago Leadership Highlight: Tiaira Smith The President of Delta Sigma Theta at the University of Toledo In an effort to highlight the young leaders who are leading undergraduate chapters across the nation...
Graduate Advisor of the Year Award 2003, 2010, 2013 Overall Excellence Award 1st Place – 2019, 2021 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® Rho Delta Omega Chapter PO Box 50731 |Palo Alto, CA | 94303 Home AKA International Program ...
Phi Gamma Delta, Omega chapter, is the oldest fraternity recognized by the Interfraternity Council. The fraternity more commonly goes by its nicknameFIJI. Founded in 1866, the Omega chapter of FIJI is one of the oldest Greek organizations at Columbia (only Alpha Delta Phi is older). ...
Delta Chapter Established April 4, 1919 at the University of Iowa Epsilon Chapter Established at Ohio State University on Nov 19, 1919 December 28, 1947 Jabberwook was formally adopted and copyrighted by DST mission statement Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization of college edu...
Programmes and Meetings Committee Council Members: Drs C. Davies, EG Lucas (Chairman),EW Shepherd, PE Sylvester. Mr Brian Glanville, of the Depart ment of Psychology, St Brendan'sHospital, emphasized the importance of behavioural therapy in modern psychiatry.K RawnsleyP SainsburyOH HatrickRCP...