Colleges4 years ago Delta Sigma Theta Sorors at Morgan State University Give Tips Navigating this Remote Semester The sorors of Delta Sigma Theta at Morgan State University welcomed the students at their school back to school this week with love and compassion. In... Deltas5 years ago Delta...
Using the Spring 2022 academic semester as a case study, we study routine screening strategies, and find that screening the faculty/staff less frequently than the students, and/or the boosted and vaccinated less frequently than the unvaccinated, may avert a higher number of infections per test, ...
Phi Delta Theta will be on campus during the Fall 2021 semester at George Mason University building the Virginia Lambda Chapter. We would love your help as our expansion team recruits the best leaders that George Mason University has to offer. How You Can Help If you know undergraduate men at...
In the Fall 23 semester, FIJI ran a 4k to raise awareness for the Movember organisation and ended up raising over $2000. About Columbia FIJI Columbia hosts one of the original chapters of the fraternity, having been founded as "Omega Chapter" in 1848. ...
There were a set of strategies, and students were requested to assign their habits of reading, purposes, and how to concentrate during reading. The participants of the study were 60 freshmen students from pharmacy college in the academic year 2017- 2018, spring semester. The questionnaire of ...