NAKAMURA Y, OHYE C.doi:10.1016/0013-4694(64)90235-4Yoshio NakamuraChihiro OhyeElsevier Ireland Ltd.Electroencephalography & Clinical NeurophysiologyNakamura, Y, Ohye, C (1964) Delta wave production in neocortical EEG by acute lesions within thalamus and hypothalamus of the cat. Electroenceph. clin...
ExpiFectamine 293 Transfection Kit ThermoFisherScientific Cat# A14525 Lipofectamine 2000 transfection kit ThermoFisher Scientific Cat# 11668019 SA biosensors Sartorius Cat# 18-5019 Deposited data PDCoV RBD with PD33 CryoEM structure pdbe/emdb/ PDB: 9B2C, EMDB: 44103 PDCoV...