G.: Spatial and seasonal distributions of atmospheric carbona- ceous aerosols in pearl river delta region, China, China Particuol- ogy, 1, 33-37, 2003b.Cao, J. J., Lee, S. C., Ho, K. F., Zou, S. C., Zhang, X. Y., and Pan, J. G.: Spatial and seasonal distributions ...
Geochemistry A high-resolution geochemical proxy record of Delta 14C and delta18O in the Gulf of Maine using Arctica islandica shell carbonate IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Alan D. WanamakerJr. LowerErin ElizabethCoastal regions play a critical role in nutrient cycling, waste treatment and flood control ...
Reports that German laundry products maker Deltra Pronatura is preparing to enter the United States market with Stain Devils, a line of highly specialized stain removers. Acquisition of Carbona that will market Stain Devils under the Carbona brand name; Ad campaign.WeiszPamEBSCO_AspBrandweek...
Huang, X., Xue, L., Tian X., Shao, W., Sun, T., Gong, Z., Ju, W., Jiang, B., Hu, M., and He, L.: Highly time-resolved carbona- ceous aerosol characterization in Yangtze River Delta of China: Composition, mixing state and secondary formation, Atmos. En- viron., 64, ...
G.: Spatial and seasonal distributions of atmospheric carbona- ceous aerosols in pearl river delta region, China, China Particuol- ogy, 1, 33-37, 2003b.Junji Cao,Shuncheng Lee,Kinfai Ho,Shichun Zou,Xiaoye Zhang,Jianguo Pan. SPATIAL AND SEASONAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC CARBONACEOUS ...