Earn Miles With Delta Vacations & Cruises Airline Partners Hotels & Airbnb Car Partners Shopping, Dining & More Partners SkyMiles Offers Convert Partner Points Exception Fares How to Use Miles How to Use Miles Overview SkyMiles Experiences® Travel With Miles Upgrades & More Shop With Miles...
Does Delta basic economy earn miles? When flying on basic economy tickets, you won't earn Delta SkyMiles or accrue Medallion Qualification Dollars. If you want to earn miles or work toward Delta Medallion status, you'll want to purchase at least a Main Cabin ticket. Delta credit card perks...
https://www.delta.com/us/en/skymiles/how-to-earn-miles/airline-partners舉例說明:購買了達美自己的西雅圖-上海機票,價格稅前為1000USD,那麼白板會員可以拿到5000 Skymiles,銀卡會員可以拿到7000 Skymiles,以此類推; 購買了東航的洛杉磯-上海的H艙機票,那麼查表得知從2024年1月開始可以按照飛行距離100%獲得達美...
For decades, airlines have treated redemption economy fares as flexible, usually allowing ticket changes and cancelations at none or a nominal fee, a perk for the thousands of dollars spent to earn the miles. However, Delta is saying goodbye to this privilege by expanding its basic economy fares...
https://www.delta.com/us/en/skymiles/how-to-earn-miles/airline-partners 举例说明: 购买了达美自己的西雅图-上海机票,价格税前为1000USD,那么白板会员可以拿到5000 Skymiles,银卡会员可以拿到7000 Skymiles,以此类推; 购买了东航的洛杉矶-上海的H舱机票,那么查表得知从2024年1月开始可以按照飞行距离100%获得达美...
When it comes to earning Delta SkyMiles, you will earn points every time you fly with Delta or one of its partner airlines. Keep in mind, Delta does not offer SkyMiles for flights booked in their Basic Economy class. To understand the number of miles you will earn, it is important to ...
Earn SkyMiles by flying When you fly Delta on a Delta-issued ticket in the main cabin or above (basic economy fares don't earn miles), you'll earn SkyMiles based on the base price of your ticket. The higher your status tier, the faster you'll earn miles. General member: 5 miles per...
No cap on the miles you can earn‡ See More Benefits APPLY NOW *Basic Economy tickets do not earn miles. Ticket price eligible to earn miles includes base fare and carrier imposed surcharges, but excludes government-imposed taxes and fees. ...
Earning miles and elite status onDelta Air Linesjust got more complicated. Delta, which was the first U.S. legacy carrier to offerbasic economyfares, will no longer allow passengers to earn SkyMiles or elite status on those bargain airline tickets, the airline confirmed toTravel + Leisurerecentl...
When it comes to earning Delta SkyMiles, you will earn points every time you fly with Delta or one of its partner airlines. Keep in mind, Delta does not offer SkyMiles for flights booked in their Basic Economy class. To understand the number of miles you will earn, it is important to ...