Delrin® 100P NC010 是一种 ACETAL RESIN 产品。 它 可以通过 挤出、片材挤出成型、型材挤出成型、注射成型或铸造薄膜 进行处理,且可以在 北美洲、非洲和中东、拉丁美洲、欧洲或亚太地区中获得。 Delrin® 100P NC010 应用包括 电线电缆、电影、房屋、输送带 和 薄板。
DELRIN100PNC010杜邦材料标准.pdf,Product Information DuPontô DelrinÆ acetal resin Æ Delrin 100P NC010 Æ Æ Delrin 100P is a high viscosity acetal homopolymer for use in easy to fill molds. Delrin 100P provides maximum toughness in the produc
DELRIN100PNC010 杜邦材料标准
PRELIMINARY DATA Delrin ® 100T NC010 Identification Resin Identification ISO 1043POM-I Part Marking Code ISO 11469>POM-I<Mechanical Yield Stress ISO 527MPa (kpsi)52 (7.5) Yield Strain ISO 527%25 Strain at Break ISO 527% 50mm/min >50 Nominal Strain at Break ISO 527%>50 Tensile...
Delrin® FG100P NC010|POM|DuPont 物性表: Delrin® FG100P NC010|POM|DuPont物性表及特性介绍,Delrin® FG100P NC010|POM|DuPont注塑参数详情,如需Delrin® FG100P NC010|POM|DuPont下载, 可到相关下载区下载Product TextsCommon features of Delrin® acetal resin include mechanical and physical ...
you only use the original value or one of its raw conversions in your calculations to minimize rounding error. We also ask that you refer to MatWeb'sterms of useregarding this information.Click hereto view all the property values for this datasheet as they were originally entered into MatWeb...
东莞市昊恩塑胶贸易有限公司不仅是专业的是美国-杜邦 Delrin POM 100PE原料供应商,亦注重技术支持及全方位的解决方案,提供从材料鉴定、模具设计、成型加工等系列帮助,亦可为客户量身定制各特殊性能的材料,帮助客户提高产品竟争力。服务热线:13798909890。
DELRIN® SC698 NC010ジェネリックファミリー: Acetal (POM) Homopolymer • 提供元: Delrin USA, LLC Silicone Lubricated Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Low Wear and Low Friction Developed for the Healthcare Industry 属性 加工 ご購入方法 一般的な属性 Prospectorで無料のアカウントを...
DuPont Mobility and Materials Delrin® 100P NC010 Acetal (POM) Homopolymer(Unverified Data**) Categories:Polymer;Thermoplastic;Acetal (Polyoxymethylene, POM);Acetal Homopolymer, Unreinforced Material Notes:Delrin® 100P is a high viscosity acetal homopolymer for use in easy to fill molds. Delrin...
311P NC010 关键词 美国杜邦311P NC010 ,POM美国杜邦 所在地 深圳市龙岗区龙城街道盛平村委田段心南十二巷2号101 手机 13532886152 销售经理 汪修建请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多 请卖家联系我 产品详细介绍 产品说明 Delrin® 311P is a medium-high viscosity acetal homopolymer withenhanced crystallization and bal...