17、d);ARecords := TStringList.Create; AValues := TStringList.Create;with ARecords dotryLoadFromFile(AFileName); cxGrid1TableView2.BeginUpdate;:= Count - AHeaderLineCount;for I := 0 to Count - (AHeaderLineCount + 1) do InitRecord(StringsI + AHeaderLineCount); finallycxGrid1TableVie...
var TSL: TStringList; // TStringList is a class that holds a list of stringsbegin // We create the object and assign it to TSLTSL:= TStringList.Create; // Load the text file into the object TSL.LoadFromFile(‘c:\my file.txt’); ...
var SL: TStringList; SearchAttr: LongInt; SR: TSearchRec; begin SL := TStringList.Create; try SearchAttr := (faDirectory); if FindFirst(Directory + '\*.', SearchAttr, SR) = 0 then begin try repeat if (SR.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then begin if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR...
Creating a TList or TStringList object is thread-safe. When you need to call a Windows GDI function or access the VCL, instead of using a critical section, Delphi provides another mechanism that works better: the TThread class and its Synchronize method, which you can read about in the ...
procedureTfrmTextToSpeech.FormCreate(Sender:TObject);Thefirstthingtheprogramdoesistoaddalistofalltheavailablevoicestothecomboboxandsettherateandvolumetrackbarpositions.Thelatterpartofthisistrivialasthevoicerateandvolumearealwayswithinpredeterminedranges(thevolumeisintherange0to100andthe ...
nodetails:=TStringList.Create; FTPClient.List(details,’’,True); FTPClient.List(nodetails,’’,False); //weonlywanttohavedirectoriesinthelist(without’.’and’..’) //nunfilternwirdasnachdenordnern(ohne’.’und’..’) fork:=details.Count-1downto0do begin ifdetails.Strings[k]<>’’...
一定要设置网格父级MyGrid.Parent := Self;,才会 显示出来 procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var MyGrid : TStringGrid ; i,j:integer; begin allStringGridList:=
How to create a TGroupBox with a checkbox that disables / enables all contained controls when checked(#112) How to create a TListBox that is resizable at runtime(#114) How to create a TListBox with Drag and Drop capabilities(#115) ...
E2273 No overloaded version of '%s' with this parameter list exists (Delphi) E2274 property attribute 'label' cannot be used in dispinterface (Delphi) E2275 property attribute 'label' cannot be an empty string (Delphi) E2276 Identifier '%s' cannot be exported (Delphi) ...