functionStartsWith(constValue:string):Boolean;functionStartsWith(constValue:string; IgnoreCase: Boolean):Boolean; unit System.SysUtils 返回是否以给定的字符串开头。 参数 Value给定字符串。 IgnoreCase是否使用区分大小写。 重载 StartsWith(string)区分大小写 System.SysUtils.TStringHelper.StartsText classfunctionSta...
functionContains(constValue:string):Boolean;functionStartsWith(constValue:string):Boolean;functionStartsWith(constValue:string; IgnoreCase: Boolean):Boolean;functionEndsWith(constValue:string):Boolean;functionEndsWith(constValue:string; IgnoreCase: Boolean):Boolean;classfunctionEndsText(constASubText, AText:str...
class function Compare(const StrA: string; const StrB: string): Integer; overload; static; class function Compare(const StrA: string; const StrB: string; IgnoreCase: Boolean): Integer; overload; static; class function Compare(const StrA: string; IndexA: Integer; const StrB: string; IndexB: ...
Quick.Format: String format. Quick.RTTI.Utils: Simplifies working with RTTI. Quick.JsonSerializer: Serializes an object from/to json text. You can define if public or published will be processed (only Delphi, fpc rtti only supports published properties) Quick.AutoMapper: Map fields from one clas...
Attempts to convert a string to JSON when the string starts with { or [ TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.Export.TryConvertStringToJson := True; Export only fields visible TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.Export.ExportOnlyFieldsVisible := True; ...
34.uri:string; 35.begin 36.uri:='http://localhost:4983/WebSite3/Default.aspx';//这个地址换成自己 的响应地址 37.AList:=TStringList.Create; 38.{中文乱码问题解决方法:发送过去之前先转码UTF8Encode,接收的时候再解码 ...
function StartsWith( const str, substr: string ) : boolean; begin result := copy( str, 1, length( substr ) ) = substr; end; function BackSlashToSlash( const str: string ) : string; var a: dword; begin result := str; for a := 1 to length( result ) do if result[a] = '\'...
high precision counter/timer Retrieves time differencesdownto microsec Quick Reference:THPCounter inherits from TComponent Key Methods:Start:Starts the counter Place this call just before thecode you want to measure Read: Reads the counter as a string Place ...
MyString := MyObject.ToJson;//You can clone simple objects with clone functionMyObject1.Clone(MyObject2); Quick.SMTP:Send email with two code lines. //Send emailSMTP := TSMTP.Create('',25,False); SMTP.SendMail('','','Email subject','My mess...