Delphi process yielded consensus on terminology and research agenda for therapeutic footwear for neuropathic foot. J Clin Epidemiol 2008 Aug;61(8):819-26.Dahmen R., van der Wilden G.J., Lankhorst G.J., Boers M. Delphi process yielded consensus on terminology and research agenda for ...
From two rounds of the Delphi a consensus was achieved on seven treatment parameters for the design of the acupuncture treatment to be used in a clinical trial of acupuncture as an adjunct to ART. The treatment protocol includes the use of the traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, use of ...
We conducted a Delphi consensus process to gain consensus on the management of patients with TSC in the UK. Methods We invited 86 clinicians and researchers to complete an online survey in two rounds. All the people surveyed were based in the UK. Clinicians were identified through the regional...
When to intervene in the caries process? A Delphi consensus statement 发布日期: 2020-10-13 简要介绍: 目的:定义关于何时介入龋齿过程和现有龋病病变的Delphi专家共识。 方法:非系统文献综述,Delphi共识专家过程和专家小组会议。 结果:病变活动,空化和清洁性决定了干预阈值。非活动性病变不需要治疗(在某些情况下,...
A Delphi process was used for re-defining aggregates and for selecting a semi-quantitative scoring system with >75% agreement obligate for reaching consensus. Subsequently, a web-based exercise on static ultrasound images was conducted in order to assess the reliability of both the re-defined ...
Stage 2. Delphi consensus process A Delphi consensus process in three rounds was conducted. A Delphi process is the use of structured, individual questionnaires to elicit a group opinion from a panel of experts in a certain field [28]. In this case, we sought to elicit feedback on a quest...
Results of the Delphi process.By the end of the Delphi process, formal consensus (≥70% agreement) was achieved on 100% of terms (n= 61). In total, consensus definitions were formulated for 51 terms (Table 1). The additional 10 terms were excluded from the AS glossary, as all experts...
Too Fit To Fracture: outcomes of a Delphi consensus process on physical activity and exercise recommendations for adults with osteoporosis with or without ... Summary An international consensus process resulted in exercise and physical activity recommendations for individuals with osteoporosis. Emphasis was...
The Delphi process has been used in various fields of study such as program planning, needs assessment, policy determination, and resource utilization to develop a full range of alternatives, explore or expose underlying assumptions, as well as correlate judgments on a topic spanning a wide range ...
A Delphi Consensus report from the "Prolonged Air Leak: A Survey" study group on prevention and management of postoperative air leaks after minimally invas... OBJECTIVES. This study reports the results of an international expert consensus process evaluating the assessment of intraoperative air leaks ...