SelectedFolder:string; ... OpenDialog := TFileOpenDialog.Create(MainForm);tryOpenDialog.Options := OpenDialog.Options +[fdoPickFolders];ifnotOpenDialog.ExecutethenAbort; SelectedFolder :=OpenDialog.FileName;finallyOpenDialog.Free;end;ifSelectedFolder[ Length( SelectedFolder ) ] <>'\'thenSelected...
“打开”对话框是用TOpenDialog组件实现的,TOpenDialog组件是非可视组件。 Filter属性用于设置文件过滤器,让对话框只列出特定类型的文件。在设计时可以单击Filter属性旁的省略 号“.”按钮,打开“Filter.Editor”对话框,在“Filter.Name”栏键入关于过滤器的简短说明,在“Filter”栏键入通配 ...
lypzxy 0 3642 delphi选择文件夹 2012-10-06 16:29 −//选择文件夹function SelectFolderDialog(const Handle: integer; const Caption: string; const InitFolder: WideString; var Sele... 马儿快跑 0 3026 <1>
= NULL; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IFileOpenDia ...
Open the project group (select the correct one from the following table) Build all Install the design-time package (dmvcframeworkDT) Add the following paths in the Delphi Library Path (here, C:\DEV\dmvcframework is the dmvcframework main folder) C:\DEV\dmvcframework\sources C:\DEV\dmv...
if (opendialog1.execute) then begin sFileName:=OpenDialog1.FileName; adotable1.edit; adotable1.fieldbyname('visio').asstring:=Blobcontenttostring(FileName);; end; ◇[DELPHI]把文件全部复制到剪贴板 uses shlobj,activex,clipbrd; procedure Tform1.copytoclipbrd(var FileName:string...
CEF4Delphi is an open source project to embed Chromium-based browsers in applications made with Delphi or Lazarus/FPC for Windows, Linux and MacOS. - CEF4Delphi/source/uCEFTypes.pas at a0e2bcfbd83922991d041958bae0cc015a8eb4f3 · salvadordf/CEF4Delphi
6.在Specify Folder and Icons中根据实际要求设置有关项目; 7.在Run Disk Builder中设置安装盘的有关信息; 8.最后进行Test the Installation和Create Distribution Media即可完成安装程序的制作。 (新疆 宗宏斌) Delphi程序员都知道,在数据库应用程序开发完成后,要发布程序需要同时发布BDE(Borland Database Engine),否...
to open the New Component wizard. In its pages: Choose FireMonkey for Delphi as the framework and personality. Select TStyledControl as the ancestor. Set the class name to TDialogButtonPanel. For the unit name, click the ellipsis, make sure you are in the component folder, and save the...