DELPHI 中MessageBox 的用法 MessageBox 对话框 输入控件的 ImeName 属性把输入法去掉就默认为英文输入了 MessageBox 对话框是比较常用的一个信息对话框,其不仅能够定义显示的信息内容、信息提示图标,而且可以定义按钮组合及对话框的标题,是一个功能齐全的信息对话框信息提示图标,而且可以定义按钮组合及对话框的标题,是一...
### AssignFile, OpenDialog, Readln, CloseFile Example --- IOResult 传回最近一次执行I/O函数,是否有错误. --- Unit System 函数原型 function IOResult: Integer; 范例var F: file of Byte; S: String; begin S:= 'c:\ka\aaa.txt'; AssignFile(F, S); {$I-} Reset(F); {$I+...
Application.MessageBox('数据库操作出现错误!','错误',MB_OK+MB_I CONSTOP) else if (EInstance is EFOpenError) then Application.MessageBox('文件不能打开!','错误',MB_OK+MB_ICONSTO P) else if (EInstance is EConvertError) then Application.MessageBox('非法的类型转换!','错误',MB_OK+MB_ICONS ...
For Windows NT version 4.0, the value of MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION has changed. See WINUSER.H for the old and new values. Windows NT 4.0 provides backward compatibility for pre-existing services by mapping the old value to the new value in the implementation of MessageBox and Mes...
Application.MessageBox(Buffer, 'StrLCopy Example', MB_OK);end;var S: PChar;begin StrLCopy( S, '???', 5); { S := '???' } ...end;---StrLen 传回字串长度.(不含终止位元)---Unit SysUtils函数原型 function StrLen(Str: PChar): Cardinal;范例uses SysUtils; const S: PChar...
procedure IsSelAll(aStr: string); begin if aStr='' then if Application.MessageBox('查询所有将花费较长时间,确认继续','询问', MB_YESNOCANCEL + MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES then Abort; end; end.
Application.MessageBox('文件不能打开!','错误',MB_OK+MB_ICONSTO P) else if (EInstance is EConvertError) then Application.MessageBox('非法的类型转换!','错误',MB_OK+MB_ICONS TOP) else MessageDlg(EInstance.ClassName+':'+EInstance.Message,mtInformat ...
Example syntax: SendKeys('abc123{left}{left}{left}def{end}456{left 6}ghi{end}789', True); *) Function SendKeys(SendKeysString : PChar; Wait : Boolean) : Boolean; type WBytes = array[0..pred(SizeOf(Word))] of Byte; TSendKey = record ...
Examples are as follows: Uses Windows Const iAtom= 'SingleApp'; Begin If GlobalFindAtom (iAtom) =0 then Begin GlobalAddAtom (iAtom); Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm (TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; GlobalDeleteAtom (GlobalFindAtom (iAtom)); End Else MessageBox (, You, can, not...
Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Buffer: array [0..MAX_BUFFER] of char; begin StrLCopy(Buffer, PChar(Edit1.Text), MAX_BUFFER); Application.MessageBox(Buffer, 'StrLCopy example', MB_OKCANCEL); end; Uses System.SysUtils.StrLCopy ( fr | de | ja ) Categories: Delphi 2010...