以下是一个使用 System.JSON 解析JSON 数据的示例代码: delphi program JsonParsingExample; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.JSON; procedure ParseJsonExample; var jsonString: string; jsonObject: TJSONObject; jsonValue: TJSONValue; jsonArray: TJSONArray; i: Integer; be...
在http://www.json.org/json-zh.html中,已经提供了针对各种语言的json支持。 从它名字中就可以看出,json最早是来源于javascript,在javascript中操作json数据异常简单清晰。可以像操作类对象一样运用json数据,如 //example1: jdata =http://blog.soso.com/qz.q/{"name":"老王","age":"25"}; str1 = jdata...
JSON Array AddObjectCopyAt Example top AddStringAt function CkJsonArray_AddStringAt(objHandle: HCkJsonArray; index: Integer; value: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall; Introduced in version9.5.0.56 Inserts a new string at the position indicated byindex. To prepend, pass anindexof 0. To append, pass...
邮箱 delphi2006@163.com * * v1.2 * + support of currency data type * + right trim unquoted string * + read Unicode Files and streams (Litle Endian with BOM) * + Fix bug on javadate functions + windows nt compatibility * + Now you can force to parse only the canonical syntax of J...
In the generator main form, the JSON wasn't allways updated Features Upgraded to Delphi 11 New property attribute : [SuppressZero] Delphi doesn't support Nullable types, so use this attribute to strip TDateTime property where value is 0. A Small example: type TDateTimeDTO = class(TJsonDTO...
I use here as an example an invoice object in JSON format received via an http POST request. The procedure below parses the the JSON object and stores the invoice field values in a Stringlist for further processing Assuming the object we have received looks like this (1 invoice header and...
NEW: AutoMapper mapping procedures (see documentation below) NEW: JsonSerializer improved NEW: TXArray: array like TList NEW: Delphi Linux compatibility NEW: QuickConfigJson reload if config file changed NEW: First version with OSX/IOS partial support NEW: Delphinus-SupportInstallation...
Give a TJsonString object, how can I get a string representation of the JSON? Given the following example (valid) JSON: { "comment":"The quick bröwn fox\r\n\tjumped \"over\" the \\lazy\/ dog\r\nthen 💩 on a log." } In readable text, the comment would look like: The ...
因此,对TJSONArray的as类型转换将失败,并出现运行时错误。JSON对象中的data字段是一个数组。 另一方面,您的代码还有其他问题: 您对StringReplace()的使用完全没有必要,应该删除。您的JSON不包含任何'\'字符,但即使包含,从JSON中删除任何内容都是错误的。您需要完全按照接收到的内容对其进行解析。 您的所有Create/...
[JsonName('group_name')]propertyGroupName:stringreadFGropNamewriteFGropName;functionToJsonString:string;classfunctionFromJsonString(constAJsonString:string): TWechatUser;end; TWechatAccount=class; TWechatAccounts= TArray<TWechatAccount>;[JsonSerialize(TJsonMemberSerialization.&Public)]TWechatAccount=...