''is not a valid integer value 表示你strtoint函数使用的时候有值是'',从语法上来看看不出来的,要你自己下断点跟踪,从 g:=round(32768*(((4*strtofloat(combobox3.text))/14.7456)-3/2));这句开始下断点,一步步的走,看值,如果到Application.CreateForm(Tform5,form5);这句还没有报...
1,400 ---含,不能转换成数值
txtSPF.text txtFF.text txtPCF.text 这三个文本框的东西 你都转换成了 float 这个错误很明显就是告诉你:不是一个有效的浮点数 你的三个文本 肯定输入了其他东西。你可以在 except 里提示让他不要输入正确这些提示。
E2510 Type '%s' is not a valid constraint (Delphi) E2511 Type parameter '%s' must be a class type (Delphi) E2512 Type parameter '%s' must be a non-nullable value type (Delphi) E2513 Type parameter '%s' must have one public parameterless constructor named Create (Delphi) E2514 Type ...
procedure TMyController.ProfilerSample1; begin NotProfiled(); //this line is not profiled //the following begin..end block will be profiled //timing will be saved in a "profiler" log begin var lProf := Profiler.Start(Context.ActionQualifiedName); DoSomething(); DoSomethingElse(); Render...
procedure TMyController.ProfilerSample1; begin NotProfiled(); //this line is not profiled //the following begin..end block will be profiled //timing will be saved in a "profiler" log begin var lProf := Profiler.Start(Context.ActionQualifiedName); DoSomething(); DoSomethingElse(); Render...
()); end; function TCenterServer.isDestroying: Boolean; begin Result:= (not Assigned(Self)); end; procedure TCenterServer.RegHttpProc(const URI: string; const Proc: TOnProcRequest); var P: PMethod; begin if Length(URI)= 0 then Exit; if Assigned(Proc) then begin New(P); P^:= ...
y : integer; tsList : TStringList; s,filename :string; aSheet :Variant; excel :OleVariant; savedialog :tsavedialog; begin Result := true; try excel:=CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); excel.workbooks.add; except //screen.cursor:=crDefault; ...
Canvas.TextOut(10, 10, 'The Sin of Pi is ' + S);end;---Unit System函数原型 function ArcTan(X: Extended): Extended;函数原型 function Cos(X: Extended): Extended;函数原型 function Sin(X: Extended): Extended;---说明X为径度. Tan(x)...