这样,就完成了后台间接管理堆对象,以上就是stl中的智能指针auto_ptr的处理方法。 三、Delphi中的interface 从智能指针的简介中我们可以了解到,要使用智能指针,我们必须得捕获到栈对象的构造函数,将堆对象的指针传入栈对象,由栈对象保存堆对象的指针;还必须捕获到栈对象的析构函数,在栈对象的析构函数里进行对构造函数...
IRecyclable=Interface(IInterface)// A singlefunctionsupporting thepropertyfunctionGetIsRecyclable : Boolean;// A singlepropertypropertyisRecyclable : BooleanreadGetIsRecyclable;end;// Define our CarclassTCar=class(TInterfacedObject, IRecyclable)privatecarName : String; carAge : Byte; carIsRecyclable : Boo...
unit Main; interface {$I CompVer.inc} uses {$IFDEF D6H} Variants, {$ENDIF} Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DB, ABSMain, Grids, DBGrids, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) DBGrid1: TDBGrid; DataSource1: TDataSource; Table: TABSTable; Grou...
Here is an example of an interface declaration: type IMalloc = interface(IInterface) ['{00000002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'] function Alloc(Size: Integer): Pointer; stdcall; function Realloc(P: Pointer; Size: Integer): Pointer; stdcall; procedure Free(P: Pointer); stdcall; function GetSi...
For example: typeIAncestor=interfaceend;IDescendant=interface(IAncestor)procedureP1;end;TSomething=class(TInterfacedObject,IDescendant)procedureP1;procedureP2;end;// ...varD:IDescendant;A:IAncestor;beginD:=TSomething.Create;// works!A:=TSomething.Create;// errorD.P1;// works!D.P2;// error...
# DecodeDate, DecodeTime Example---DecodeTime 将TDateTime型态的时间变数,转为Word型态.---Unit SysUtils函数原型 procedure DecodeDate(Date: TDateTime; var Year, Month,Day: Word);函数原型 procedure DecodeTime(Time: TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec,MSec: Word);范例procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender...
For example, public class TableListener implements ITableListener { } ' In your application you must create an instance of the class that implements ' the interface. For example, TableListener tableListener = new TableListener(); 在没有ClassID的情况下,我如何在Delphi中实现这一点?如何进行实例化...
The Delphi examples posted on this page use a unit to interface to the D2XX DLL. To download the unit (D2XXUnit.pas),click here. Please note that the code examples below may already contain a unit called D2XXUnit.pas. There may be small differences between the current D2XXUnit.pas file ...
unit GenericsExample; interface type TMyClass<T> = class public procedure DoSomething(Value: T); overload; procedure DoSomething(Value1, Value2: T); overload; end; implementation procedure TMyClass<T>.DoSomething(Value: T); begin // 实现针对单个值的操作 end; procedure TMyClass<T>.DoSometh...
In the above code a Delphi form named "MainForm" implements the IConfigChanged interface. Warning: when a class implements an interface it must implement all its methods and properties. If you fail/forget to implement a method (for example: ApplyConfigChange) a compile time error"E2003 Undecl...