i * 1.0应该将其转换为浮点数。涉及任何类型的浮点数的任何计算都会隐式转换为 extendend,然后在赋值...
t:double;arr1: array[1..5] of Double;arr2: array[1..5] of Double;const w: integer = 0;begin for i := 1 to 5 do begin arr1[i]:= arr2[i]/(w*0.6);arr2[i]:= 0;end;end;这样改就行了。1、var是定义变量的,你w: integer = 0;这是定义常量的写法。2、arr1[...
function Tform1.Num2CNum(dblArabic: double): string; const _ChineseNumeric = '零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖'; var sArabic: string; sIntArabic: string; iPosOfDecimalPoint: integer; i: integer; iDigit: integer; iSection: integer; sSectionArabic: string; sSection: string; bInZero: boolean; bMinus...
j: integer;begin Memo2.Clear;//输出栏清空,可选择用Edit或者其他什么容器 for i := length(Memo1.Text) downto 1 do begin //读取位数 倒数的 s := strtoint(Memo1.Text[length(Memo1.Text) - i + 1]);//读取每一位 case s of //数字转大写 1 : Memo2.Text := Memo2.Text +...
dVal, dDecimal: Double; iInt, i, iLen, p, zeroCount, quotient, modulus: Integer; cVal, cInt, d, cDecimal, cDecimal1, cDecimal2: string; begin Result := ''; if AValue.Trim <> '' then begin dVal := StrToFloatDef(AValue, 0); ...
Delphi(Pascal)code function HexCodeToDouble(sHexCode:string):Double;vari:Integer;sPart:string;b:Byte;pByte:^Byte;fDouble:Double;beginfDouble := 0;pByte := fDouble;for i := 0 to 7 do begin // 每次取一个字节进行转换 sPart := Copy(sHexCode,(i*3)+1,2);b := Byte(...
TryStrToBool(string)返回转换是否成功,转换结果从参数返回 数值互转 定义说明库 FloatToCurr(Extended)浮点数转货币值,超范围异常SysUtils FloatToDateTime(Extended):TDateTime浮点数转日期时间,超范围异常 IntToHex(Integer,Length)整数转十六进制字符串,Length 为最小长度SysUtils ...
function HexStrToStr(const S:string):string; //16进制字符串转换成字符串 var t:Integer; ts:string; M,Code:Integer; begin t:=1; Result:=''; while t<=Length(S) do begin //xlh 2006.10.21 while (t<=Length(S)) and (not (S[t] in ['0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'])) do...