如何将integer串转化成byte数组The best solution is to dynamically create an array of byte that has length equal to that of the string. Once you have your array you can fill the array with the values from the string, however there is some offset since the ascii representation of ...
如何将integer串转化成byte数组The best solution is to dynamically create an array of byte that has length equal to that of the string. Once you have your array you can fill the array with the values from the string, however there is some offset since the ascii representation of the character...
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var s:string; ab:array of byte; i:integer;begin s:='this is a test'; SetLength(ab,Length(s)); for i:=1 to length(s) do ab[i]:=byte(s[i]);end;
TByteOfInt = array[0..4-1] of Byte; TIntRec = packed record //定义一个辅助类型,这样转换非常快,而且方便 case Integer of 0: (IntValue: Integer); 1: (Low, High: Word); 2: (Words: TWordOfInt); 3: (Bytes: TByteOfInt); end; //方法一,借助TIntRec,来转换 var Int : Integer; ...
var arrbyte: array[0..2] of Byte;str1: string;i: Integer;begin for i := 0 to Length(arrbyte)-1 do str := str + IntToStr(arrbyte[i]);//byte[] to string;for i := 0 to Length(str)-1 do arrbyte[i] := Byte(str[i]);//string to byte[]StrCopy(PChar(@arr...
functionToBin(p: PByteArray; bit: Integer):string; const Convert:array['0'..'F']ofstring= ( '0000', '0001', '0010', '0011', '0100', '0101', '0110', '0111', '1000', '1001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '1010', '1011', '1100', '1101', '1110', '1111')...
所以先转换到 PInteger} i := PInteger(bs)^; ShowMessage(IntToStr(i)); {10000}end;{从 Bytes 静态数组到 Integer 的转换会方便些}procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);var bs: array[0..3] of Byte; i: Integer;begin bs[0] := $10; bs[1] := $27; bs[...
1. 将Byte数组生成文件 procedure ByteArrayToFile(const ByteArray : TByteDynArray; const FileName : string ); var Count: integer; F: FIle of Byte; pTemp: Pointer; begin AssignFile( F, FileName ); Rewrite(F); try Count := Length( ByteArray ); ...
procedureTForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);varbuf:arrayofByte; s1: AnsiString; s2: WideString; I: Integer;begin//ANSI编码s1 :='测试内容'; SetLength(buf, Length(s1)); Move(s1[1], buf[0], Length(s1)); Memo1.Lines.Add('ANSI编码');forI :=0toLength(buf) -1doMemo1.Lines.Add...
1 type {定义变量} 2 MyArray = array[0..4] of Char; 3 var {变量声明} 4 NameArray : MyArray; 5 Indexs : Integer; 6 7 {静态数组元素遍历} 8 procedure MyProc; 9 begin 10 NameArray[0] := 'a'; 11 NameArray[1] := 'b'; 12 NameArray[2] := 'c'; 13 NameArray[3] := ...