ss: String; begin IDHTTP:= TIDHTTP.Create(nil); try try idhttp.Disconnect; idhttp.HandleRedirects:= true; //必须支持重定向否则可能出错 idhttp.ReadTimeout:= 30000; //超过这个时间则不再访问 ss:=idhttp.Get(url); //ss:=UTF8ToAnsi( ss); //UTF8编码转换 if IDHTTP.ResponseCode=200 then Re...
begin IDHTTP:= TIDHTTP.Create(nil); try try idhttp.Disconnect; idhttp.HandleRedirects:= true; //必须支持重定向否则可能出错 idhttp.ReadTimeout:= 30000; //超过这个时间则不再访问 ss:=idhttp.Get(url); //ss:=UTF8ToAnsi( ss); //UTF8编码转换 if IDHTTP.ResponseCode=200 then Result := ss;...
delphixe apns Remote Push error:Connection Closed Gracefully App & System Services Notifications APNS xxvar Created Dec ’24 Replies 1 Boosts 0 Views 172 Participants 2 function TFormMain.HttpPost(IdHTTP1: TIdHTTP; sJsonData, sUrl: string): string; var jsonToSend: TStringStream; ...
2.运行时提示"connection closed gracefully"错误原因与解决 3.编译时提示"[Exec Error] The command ... exited with code 1."错误原因不明,解决方法删除androidSDK,下载新版本的,引入新版本的SDK。 实例源码: 1 unit Unit1; 2 3 interface 4 5 use...
摘要:delphi 使用indy -idHttp 控件post 数据时 会报connection closed Gracefully这个异常的问题。 网上找了很多方法最多的就是 修改: MyHttp.Request.UserAgent := 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6 阅读全文 posted @ 2021-01-04 11:50 wissly 阅读(740) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 delphi 给 Timage 加上...
Connection Closed Gracefully The TTL property is declared as protected in TIdRawBase, and TIdIcmpClient does not promote it to public. You will have to declare a descendant class to gain access to it, ie: ...
デバッグ時には`Connection Closed Gracefully`が出るのでEIdTHHTPProtocolExceptionは出ません。 デバッグ時以外は`Connection Closed Gracefully`がでないのでEIdHTTPProtocolExceptionがでます。 おっ、302006-01-27 08:12:23No:19560 おかしいな、どのURLを指定してるんだろ?
(fOwner.Config.TempoEsperaReconectar);endelsebeginLog('Finalizando monitoramento por falha de comunicação');Self.Stop;end;end;endelsebegin//zerando contador após uma conexão bem sucedida;FContador:=0;//para evitar final do chunk ou close gracefullytryifIsHeaderMediaType(fHttp.Response....
TryUpgradeToWebsocket; // connects using HTTP, so no seperate .Connect needed (only gives Connection closed gracefully exceptions because of new http command) //finally // FSocketIOConnectBusy := False; //end; end else ...
(only gives Connection closed gracefully exceptions because of new http command) //finally // FSocketIOConnectBusy := False; //end; end else begin //clear inputbuffer, otherwise it can't connect :( if (IOHandler <> nil) then IOHandler.Clear; inherited Connect; end; finally UnLock; end;...