在需要发出HTTPS POST请求的代码中,使用TRESTRequest的Execute方法发送请求。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 var RESTClient: TRESTClient; RESTRequest: TRESTRequest; Response: string; begin RESTClient := TRESTClient.Create('https://example.com/api'); try RESTRequest := TRESTRequest.Create(nil); try RES...
这是一个完整的示例,演示如何使用 WinInet API 在 Delphi 中发送 HTTP POST 请求: 代码语言:delphi 复制 program WinInetExample; uses WinInet, SysUtils; const URL = 'https://www.example.com/path/to/resource'; POST_DATA = 'key1=value1&key2=value2'; var hInternet, hConnect, hRequest: ...
Parameters v.1.0 Usage: Parameters <--HostName=<host>> [--Port <port>] [--Retries=<value>] [--Config-file=<path>] [--UseTCP] [--Silent] [--Mode=<value>] [--ShowReport] [--Help] Simple console application example with Quick.Parameters Arguments: Command Command action. --HostN...
try Response := HTTP.Get('https://api.example.com/data'); if Response <> nil then Writeln(Response.DataString); finally HTTP.Free; end; end; 这段代码展示了如何使用TIdHTTP组件发起一个GET请求,并打印出响应内容。通过类似的方法,还可以实现POST、PUT、DELETE等其他类型的请求。 除了基本的HTTP请求...
These descriptions help the system properly handle file storage formats or in-memory data for transfer — for example, transferring data to or from the pasteboard. The identifier types can also identify other resources, such as directories, volumes, or packagespublic.mime-type: https://mimetype....
Armstrong (2006) listed and evaluated evidence on numerous post hoc methods. However, our methods differ from those presented by Armstrong. Instead of assigning different weights to the panellists depending on, for example, previous forecasting performances, we correct the assumed undersized adjustments ...
Free text responses generated in round 1 were summarised into 15 themes, including, for example, social support, relationship with partner, help-seeking. Across the themes, 82 codes or summary statements were created. The themes and examples of the summary statements that were generated within each...
Example: function TryParse(const S: string; out Value: Cardinal): Boolean; var E: Integer; ... -> bool __fastcall TryParse(const String S, unsigned int& Value) { Value = 0; //# clear out parameter bool result = false; int E = 0; ...
Entrepreneurial success has been reshaped within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and one only needs to review literature in the last 3 years to find descriptions that are no longer appropriate. An example can be found in Ratten and Usmanij (2021), who discuss growth in international stu...
In the past, Delphi surveys have been the method of choice to forecast future societal changes in a variety of research agendas. For several decades in Germany, Delphi surveys have provided decision-makers with valuable insights into ongoing and future trends. For example, the German Federal Minis...