Imagine a 3D shooter as a text-based game!Hell, the year is 2020 and there are still people doing programming with nothing more than a text editor. This inefficient way of programming was suitable for the 60s, maybe 70s when computers had less than an MB of memory. ...
Letter Rack 3DScrabble type word game in 3D. Does not depend on large word lists and is solely reliant on its game play strategy to beat an opponent. Feat... LimagitoFile automation utility to move / copy / delete files that are added to a specific folder. Transfer files using FTP, SFT...
Delphi ADO/DB programming: Real Problems - Real Solutions In real world situations, really doing database programming is much more complex than writing about. This chapter points to some great Delphi Programming Forum threads initiated by this Course - discussions that solve problems on the field. ...
专业化也有一些主要缺点: 成本——启动独立链比简单地在现有链上部署智能合约更耗时/更昂贵,需要更多的开发技能、召集验证人,以及增加额外的基础设施复杂性(index检索、钱包、浏览器等) . 缺乏同步可组合性——在单体链上,所有的应用程序都运行在一个共享的状态机上,因此受益于同步的、原子式的可组合性。链间基础... delphi当然可以,VC和delphi没有很大的区别,用好了都是很优秀,用了不好什么都不顺手 很多图形库,都是c\c++发布的,Delphi稍为麻烦点 VC会好一点。 Delphi 我不会处理数据结构 看来如果想为以后找工作打点基础,还是应该vc了。 如果你懂得内嵌ASM以...
84,ctrlgame.zipControl Panel - Game Controllers85,ctrlfont.zipControl Panel - Fonts86, Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs87,ctrlanh.zipControl Panel - Add New Hardware88,ctrlanp.zipControl Panel - Add New Printer89,ctrlaccs.zipControl Panel - Accessibility90,ctrlbrf.zipControl ...
1) Create an external index file, so you can quickly positionate and block-read the game you need. The index have the key-field (Event and/or Site and/or Date and/or whatever, the offset into the file and the size of the block plus some flags -see "3"). 2) Add any thing ne... 就是点击句子就读该句子,并且变颜色的? 有个例子更好,真是烦死了,搞晕了。 友情帮你顶一下:) 基于Delphi的英文发音教学软件的实现 ... var x:integer; wordlist:tstringlist; si:startupinfor; pi:process_information; begin wordlist:=tstringlist.create; wordlist.add(...); for x:=1 to wordlist.count do begin create...
今天的话题就从解决这个争论开始吧, 在最前面,我不想多说什么,实践是检验真理的唯一标准,咱们用例子说话: // 例一 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin i := 7; if i = 0 then ShowMessage('0') else if i = 1 then ShowMessage('1') else if i = 5 then...