你这个不是标准意义是FOR循环,在DELPHI里面只能使用WHILE循环来实现这个的功能,因为你的循环结束条件是变化的。DELPHI的循环如下:FOR 控制变量:=初值 TO 终值 [STEP 步长]编译为汇编的时候,是使用汇编的LOOP循环实现的,不在每次循环时检测终值是否变化,这是非常高效的FOR循环。m := ((2 * n /1...
for i:=0 to 100 step 4 do begin ... end;
In first step install debugger support on target computer. You can download remote debugging support from Embarcadero or from Delphi directory copy this files (for Delphi 2010 - Delphi version 14, so for another version please use proper files - maybe can be stability problem with Delphi 2005 or...
public function CreateInsertSQL( const TableName: string; const Map: TFieldsMap; const PKFieldName: string; const PKOptions: TMVCActiveRecordFieldOptions): string; override; function GetSequenceValueSQL(const PKFieldName: string; const SequenceName: string; const Step: Integer = 1): string; ove...
构件(component):组件 Delphi调试 跟踪法Trace Into、运行到光标位置法Run to Cursor、步进法 Step Over、暂停法Program Pause、断点法 (F5键设置断点,或者鼠标单击左边的空白) Pascal中十六进制数表示前面用$表示 标号:与goto语句使用,范围为0~9999之间
Step(True,False); if pEnt <> nil then begin // 把实体对象转成块引用对象 pEnt.QueryInterface(IMxDrawBlockReference, pBlkRef); if pBlkRef <> nil then begin // 得到块对象名称 if pBlkRef.GetBlockName() = 'BLKNAME' then begin // 遍历块引用对象的属性 for ii := 0 to pBlkRef.Attribute...
This is theSilverpoint MultiInstalleron steroids. It allows you to install multiple Delphi packages directly from git repositories (e.g. Github), from zip files or from existing folders in one-step. Documentation Please read theorginal documentationin conjuction with the notes below. ...
The data set provided for amplitude versus offset (AVO) inversion has been subjected to the three steps which are involved in the DELPHI consortium program: preprocessing, structural imaging, and lithologic characterization. In the preprocessing step, a major problem is the presence of strong surfac...
2、PAServer 目录下的 setup_paserver.exe/zip,用于 MacOSX 远程调试;详情参考:http://www.simonjstuart.com/2011/09/03/rad-studio-xe2-setting-it-up-for-a-mac-step-by-step-illustrated-guide/ 3、InstallAware 目录下的 myahe_bds_web.exe,个人还是比较推荐完全免费的 Inno Setup ;> 4、AQTime、Code...