function AssignedFlasher(const CaretClass: TCaretClass): boolean; TCaretDisplayChanged = procedure (Sender: TCustomCaret; const VirtualKeyboardState: TVirtualKeyboardStates) of object; TCaretClass = class of TCustomCaret; TCustomCaret = class (TPersistent) private [Weak]FOwner: TFMXObject; FIContr...
方法一 用Loadcursorfromfile()从外部调入图标作为光标 Loadcursorfromfile()函数可以读* CUR,* ICO,* ANI为后缀的文件作为光标,其中ICO为彩色图标格式(可用Image Editor制作),ANI为动画光标格式。以下为打开一图标作为光标的演示程序段,当光标移动到测试区域内光标会变成选定的图案; {设:opendialog1:Topendialog;Bit...
Given that we will accept any object we will always display a copy cursor whenever an object is dragged over the form. Furthermore, we won't take any notice of modifier keys and have no need to examine the object until it is dropped. These observations lead us to implement the DropTarget...
adotable1.locate['username',edit1.text,[iopartial, iocaseinsensateve]); for my project I am building, this is perfect, except that it will always locate the first instance of what is in edit1, ani ideas on how to get it to display the second? The code is exactly what I want (eg...
delphi操作系统编程 更改Windows95的墙纸。 在Delphi中你可以很方便地更改墙纸,请参考以下的程序。 procedureChangeIt; var Reg:TregIniFile; begin Reg:ΚTRegIniFile.Create(′ControlPanel′); Reg.WriteString(′desktop′,′Wallpaper′,′c:ιpwin95ιforest....
一个直接支持打开Excel 文件,然后, 直接使用SQL语言进行查询的工具,附源码。 使用说明: 1、安装accessDatabaseEngine.exe,使电脑支持Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB支持 2、使用delphi 7 编译运行应用
CSkinSlier CSliderCtrl自绘 Cursor 生成图标,运行到鼠标图标。 cutscene win32下实现视频播放。 C视频源代码视频教程步骤源码 DDraw DirectX 实例 DES加密算法源代码 Detected memory leaks 检查内存泄漏源码 DigiStatic_src 自绘CStatic实现数字效果。 DirectShow开发指南pdf附属代码 DirectShow开发指南源码 directUI_D ...
function ReadCursorPos(SourceMemo: TMemo): string;{* 取得TMemo 控件当前光标的行和列信息到Tpoint中}function CanUndo(AMemo: TMemo): Boolean;{* 检查Tmemo控件能否Undo}procedure Undo(Amemo: Tmemo);{*实现Undo功能}procedure AutoListDisplay(ACombox:TComboBox);...
ReadCursorPos(SourceMemo: TMemo): TPoint; function ReadCursorPos(SourceMemo: TMemo): string; {* 取得TMemo 控件当前光标的行和列信息到Tpoint中} function CanUndo(AMemo: TMemo): Boolean; {* 检查Tmemo控件能否Undo} procedure Undo(Amemo: Tmemo); {*实现Undo功能} procedure AutoListDisplay(A...
能进行txt文件拷贝,暂时不支持其它文件copy,请各位自行修改。用delphi2010开发的 上传者:farlongwater时间:2013-10-21 通用数据库连接文件 详解 Delphi 通用数据库连接文件 双击打开 connection.udl 按提示操作配置数据库,选择本地或远程数据库,配置好后退出。