TryStrToBool(string)返回转换是否成功,转换结果从参数返回 数值互转 定义说明库 FloatToCurr(Extended)浮点数转货币值,超范围异常SysUtils FloatToDateTime(Extended):TDateTime浮点数转日期时间,超范围异常 IntToHex(Integer,Length)整数转十六进制字符串,Length 为最小长度SysUtils ...
2、Str: string; BitNr: dword): boolean;function Pack(I: string):string;function UnPack(I: string): string;procedure FindBest(Main, Sub: string;var FoundLen, FoundPos: integer);implementation/ DwordToStr() : Converts a DWORD to a 4 byte stringfunction DwordToStr(Value: dword): string;...
function GetBit(Str: string; BitNr: dword): boolean; function Pack(I: string):string; function UnPack(I: string): string; procedure FindBest(Main, Sub: string;var FoundLen, FoundPos: integer); implementation // DwordToStr() : Converts a DWORD to a 4 byte string function DwordToStr(V...
ORDER BY CONVERT(int, STATIONCODE) --- 函数function AnsiResemblesText(const AText, AOther: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas 功能 返回两个字符串是否相似 说明ANSI(American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准协会;不区分大小写 参考function StrUtils.SoundexProc; var StrUtils.AnsiResemblesProc 例...
function GetBit(Str: string; BitNr: dword): boolean; function Pack(I: string):string; function UnPack(I: string): string; procedure FindBest(Main, Sub: string;var FoundLen, FoundPos: integer); implementation // DwordToStr() : Converts a DWORD to a 4 byte string ...
9、;beginDigit := UpCase (Digit;I := Length (Digits;while (I > 1 and (Digit <> Digits I do Dec (I;Result := I - 1;end;function TConvert.IsValidBase (Base : Integer : Boolean;beginResult := (Base > 1 and (Base <= Length (Digits;end;function TConvert.PlaceToValue (Place,...
首部function AnsiMatchText(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas 功能 返回字符串数组AValues中是否包含字符串AText 说明 不区分大小写 参考function StrUtils.AnsiIndexText 例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiMatchText(Edit1.Text, ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', ...
function IsValidBase (Base : Integer) : Boolean;function PlaceToValue (Place, Base : Integer) : Integer;function TextToValue (Text : string; Base : Integer) : Integer;function ValueToText (Value, Base ...
BSTR ConvertStringToBSTR(const char *pSrc) throw(_com_error); BSTR ConvertBSTRToString(BSTR pSrc) throw(_com_error); } BSTR 是双字节宽度字符串,它是最经常使用的自己主动化数据类型。 --- 接口描写叙述语言 IDL --- COM 规范在採用 OSF 的 DCE 规范描写叙述远程调用接口 IDL (interface...