Copy selected cells to clipboard in CSV format, pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert key and also by code: // The second parameter can be omitted to use all cells in the grid Clipboard.AsText:= TCSVData.From(TeeGrid1.Grid, TeeGrid1.Selected); Full selected row highlight TeeGrid1.Selecte...
Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit romankassebaum Added a property for the FileShareMode. Jun 5, 2024 c59d507·Jun 5, 2024 History 149 Commits icons Initial Checkin from Sourceforge at 01/09/2014. ...
Delphi 系统[13]关键字和保留字 and、or、not、xor、shl、shr、div、mod1、定义:and(逻辑与 或 按位与) or(逻辑或 或 按位或) not(逻辑非 或 按位否) //Not用于取反, 它否定了原先的结果 xor(逻辑异或 或 按位异或),只要 xor 两边的布尔值不相同(相异),结果就为 True,否则就为 False。只要...
一、在Delphi中$表示后面的数是十六进制数。十六进制数的位从0~F取值,A~F表示十进制的10~15。第N位的权是16^(N-1)。例如:$02=2 $08=8 $10=16 $20=32 $30=48 $100=256 ...二、在Delphi中and表示[位运算]中的“与”。即将两个操作数取其二进制,每一位上的数进行“若是两者皆...
Theoretical or Mathematical/ decision making modelling reverse logistics total quality management/ Delphi analytic hierarchy process reverse logistics conceptual model building decision making theoretical model building/ C1290F Systems theory applications in industry C1220 Simulation, modelling and identification ...
1.与运算(AND):用符号"&"表示,对两个操作数的每一位进行逻辑与操作,只有当两个操作数对应的位都为1时,结果位才为1。例如:Result := A AND B; 2.或运算(OR):用符号"|"表示,对两个操作数的每一位进行逻辑或操作,只要两个操作数对应的位中有一个为1,结果位就为1。例如:Result := A OR B; 3....
Delphi-research exploring essential components and preconditions for case management in people with dementia van Os-Medendorp H, Koekkoek B, Francke AL: Delphi research exploring essential components and preconditions for case management in people with dementia. ... PJ Verkade,BV Meijel,C Brink,.....
Selection of construction project manager by using Delphi and fuzzy linguistic decision making Selecting a suitable project manager for construction projects is one of the most important decisions made by construction firms. Although many studies hav... R Afshari,Ali - 《Journal of Intelligent & ...
The Delphi method is well suited to the research needed to inform health education and health promotion campaigns. This paper measures the current interest in the method by way of a literature review. It then describes how the method has evolved from its inception in the 1950s, to its curren...
As an important and basic method of technological forecasting and technological assessment, the Delphi method has found extensive applications in China since 1980. On the basis of a number of Delphi interrogations, and through an exhaust... Y Chen,D Zhu,C Li - 《Technological Forecasting & Soci...