Back to the future (BTTF) time circuits replicas for your Delorean Time Machine or just for display purpose.
DeLorean Time Machine以1981年面世的DeLorean DMC-12為基礎開發,於《回到未來3》回到1885年的美國舊西部時代,DeLorean Time Machine 除了於陸地行走,及後改裝成可於鐵道上行駛,配合火車時速88英哩的動力驅動,最終把主角Marty McFly 送回未來! Hot Toys根據《回到未來3》DeLorean Time Machine原著比例縮細製作1:6...
When [TheKingofDub] finally gets sick of people complaining about where the BTTF guts are, maybe he can add a flux capacitor and time circuits. [via r/electronics] Posted in car hacks, Transportation HacksTagged back to the future, backup camera, bluetooth, BttF, dash computer, DeLorean,...
Various display modes, selectable by buttons: Pushwheel values, temperature (from own sensor or fromTime Circuits Displayvia BTTFN), or speed (fromTime Circuits Displayvia BTTFN, through GPS receiver or rotary encoder for speed connected to TCD) Time Travelfunction, triggered by button,Time Circu...
DeLorean Time Machine. Joe also needed to gather a crew who could put up with his mandate for absolute perfection — something that the documentary clearly shows caused a bit of friction from time to time (for the greater good). In the end, all of the frustration, long hours, and ...
STL filesofDeLorean Model Standard Assembly Kit 1 for 3D Printingwhich consist of88 parts; Standard Assembly Kitthat consists ofbasic time machine parts; High-polydetailed model ofDeLoreaninStandard Kit; AssemblyManualinPDF format; Detailedsettingsthat we provide as a recommendation for Cura , Simpl...
- 控制装置配备LED亮灯功能,包括仪表板丶时间旅行显示(Time Circuits Display)丶头顶控制板丶通量电容器(Flux Capacitor)及显示屏 - 双座位设计 - 可与马丁及布朗博士 1:6比例珍藏人偶同时展示 配件: - 特别设计珍藏车支架地台 (可展示悬空飞行模式)
-控制装置配备LED亮灯功能,包括仪表板丶时间旅行显示(Time Circuits Display)丶头顶控制板丶通量电容器(Flux Capacitor)及显示屏 -双座位设计 -可与马丁及布朗博士 1:6比例珍藏人偶同时展示 配件: -特别设计珍藏车支架地台 (可展示悬空飞行模式) 产品编号:MMS636 ...