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Delonghi德龙Eletta Explore ECAM450.76.T探索者全自动咖啡机说明书.pdf,ECAM45X.5Y - 45X.7Y BEAN TO CUP ESPRESSO AND CAPPUCCINO MACHINE Instruction for Use Instructions videos available at: A A1 A4 A3 A2 A9 A8 A6 A5 A7 A10 A12 A19 A11 A20 A13 A14 A15 A18 A16
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Delonghi德龙Magnifica Evo E MAX全自动咖啡机说明书.pdf,COFFEE MAKER Instruction for use 名称和产品中有害物质的含量 Name and cName and conteontent ont of hf hazardous sazardous substaubstances inces in producn producttss Name and cName and conteontent ont
Always follow the instructions on the pod pack to 4. HOW TO MAKE ESPRESSO COFFEE USING PRE- position the pod on the filter correctly. GROUND COFFEE 4. Attach the filter holder to the appliance. Always turn as far 1. Place the ground coffee filter (C2 or C3) in the filter holder. as...
DeLonghi德龙MagnificaEvoEMax全自动咖啡机EMAX(InstructionmanualsJapanese)用户手册说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 E Plus - E Pro - E Max QUICK GUIDE ZH - 使用设备前,请务必阅读安全警告。有关更多说明,请阅读使用说明。 EN- Always read the safety warnings before using the appliance. Fo...
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名称和产品中有害物质的含量 Name and content of hazardous substances in productName and content of hazardous substances in productss Name and content of hazardous substances in productName and content of hazardous substances in productss 组件 有害物质 名称 Hazardous substances Components 铅 汞 镉 六...
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Delonghi德龙Magnifica Evo E MAX全自动咖啡机说明书.pdf,COFFEE MAKER Instruction for use 名称和产品中有害物质的含量 Name and cName and conteontent ont of hf hazardous sazardous substaubstances inces in producn producttss Name and cName and conteontent ont