打开R(不是RStudio) install.packages("installr") #然后选择镜像 library(installr) updateR() 后面就正常安装,一般不会有啥问题。 1.缺少RTools 报错信息: WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools b...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于r语言 delong test结果解释的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及r语言 delong test结果解释问答内容。更多r语言 delong test结果解释相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
$`7 V 8` DeLong's test for two correlated ROC curves data: test1 and test2 Z = 6.6128, p-value = 3.771e-11 alternative hypothesis: true difference in AUC is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.04771894 0.08792131 sample estimates: AUC of roc1 AUC of roc2 0.8122934 ...
deLong's test 这个是一种AUC显著性检验的方法,通过计算不同ROC曲线AUC值的方差和协方差进行显著性检验得到P值,一般来说P值低于0.05时,对比两个ROC曲线的AUC值才具备统计意义。 在R语言中,roc.test(roc_1,roc_2,method = 'delong')即可计算两个ROC曲线的P值 csv数据示例如下图所示: 第一列为二分类的类型...
Demler OV, Pencina MJ, D’gostino RB. Misuse of DeLong test to compare AUCs for nested models. Statistics in Medicine. 2012; 31 (23):2577–2587.Demler OV, Pencina MJ, D’Agostino R. Misuse of DeLong test to compare AUCs for nested models. Stat Med. 2012; 31 :2577–2587. doi: ...
1.写一个存储过程,查指定数据库中所有的表名: CREATE PROCEDURE init_replace(in orig_str varchar(...
is higher: to be in the labor force requires that you have a job or be searching for a job, and when jobs are scarce—as is the case when the unemployment rate is high—taking the steps and making the effort to be in the labor force will flunk the benefit-cost test for more ...
We have exquiste sales and logistic team in 31 province in china.Also our product had exported to India,Pakistan,Vitnam,Sinapore,Thailand,Germany,Poland,Russia,Australia,Brazil. Heiyi Test center Certification Honorary qualification of HEIYI rubber co.,ltd. ...
Resnick: US Covid-19 Testing & Surveillance Is Still in þe Dark_ I confess that back in March I was flummoxed by the fact that the American government and the American health sector could not scale-up to test people for coronavirus at the needed scalr. Today I am even more flummoxed...
进行ROC 分析时,数据至少需要有两个变量,一个是按“金标准”分类的疾病状态变量(state variable ),一般为二分类,记为D ,D =1表示“异常组”,相应的概率记为π,D =0表示“正常组”,相应的概率记为1-π;另一个是试验结果变量(test variable ),它可以是有序分类变量(如放射医生将患者诊断分类...