SKUs: Delo 400 XLE SAE 15W-40 • 3/1 Jugs - 257004388, 5 Gallon Pail - 257004428, 6/1 Quarts - 257004482, 3 Gallon Bag in Box - 257004695, 55 Gallon Drum - 257004981, Bulk - 257004990 Self Services Delo Smart Choice Advisor ...
公司将逐步淘汰三种传统HDEO产品,包括Delo 400 SDE SAE 10W-30、Delo 400 SDE SAE 15W-40 和 Delo 400 XLE SAE15W-40。取而代之的将是Delo 400 XLE SB SAE 15W-40,这是一种专为高性能而设计的新型合成混合油,与现有的Delo 400 XLE 10W-30并驾齐驱。 雪佛龙公司美洲商业部门经理Walt Collier表示:"我们...
Products include: Delo 600 ADF, Delo 400 XSP-FA, Delo 400 SNG, Delo 400 ZFA, Delo 400 XSP, Delo 400 XLE, Delo 400 XLE SB and Delo 710 series.Axles and transmissions Coverage includes all North America and foreign-manufactured manual, automatic and automated manual transmissions, axles ...
Work with us Become a Chevron xpress lube owner Become a Havoline xpress lube owner Become a Havoline Installer Become a Chevron lubricants distributor Can we help? Contact Us LubeTek Product and Technical Support Ask an Expert Where to buy ...
公司将逐步淘汰三种传统HDEO产品,包括Delo 400 SDE SAE 10W-30、Delo 400 SDE SAE 15W-40和Delo 400 XLE SAE15W-40。取而代之的将是Delo 400 XLE SB SAE 15W-40,这是一种专为高性能而设计的新型合成混合油,与现有的Delo 400 XLE 10W-30并驾齐驱。
Delo Syn-Trans HD SAE 50 Benefits Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again. Excellent Thermal and Oxidation Stability High Viscosity Index and Low Pour Point < Back to all products Gear LubricantsSee all(7) > ...
Delo Syn-Trans HD SAE 50 Benefits Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again. Excellent Thermal and Oxidation Stability High Viscosity Index and Low Pour Point < Back to all products Gear LubricantsSee all(7) > ...