XPS8940,加装..诸位大佬,我问题是这样,XPS8940本身有一个M2专用插槽,目前是系统盘M2 2280。我买了PCIE转接卡,又接了一个M2固态,开机起不来,想要进去boot又进不去。貌似他两没法同时用一样,问了戴
DELL戴尔XPS 8940台式机Killer PCIe Ethernet Controller驱动2.2.1453, A21版,适用的操作系统:Win10的32和64位系统。 安装软件包后,设备管理器中显示的 Killer E2500V2 LAN 驱动程序版本是 10.038.1118.2019;设备管理器中显示的 Killer E3000 LAN 驱动程序版本是 10.039.0212.2020;设备管理器中显示的 Killer E3100 LA...
I don’t want to disparage the XPS Desktop. You save some money by going with this kind of design. There are a few other issues that make upgrades tough. The extra PCIe slots — which Dell says ” can be used to add sound cards, additional hard drives, PCIe SSDs or accelerator cards...
Slots: 1 PCIe x16, 1 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 No tools needed to open up your chassis, only a thumbscrew, while hard drives require use of two easily accessible screws. It is also very easy to access all of the components once you take off the side panel. Choose between a 360W power s...