Dell XPS 13 (9310) OLED: Best laptop overall "The Dell XPS 13 with OLED is the best laptop we’ve seen this year." — Tom's Guide Dell XPS 13 (9310) OLED: Hands-on Review "An even more immersive display to our favorite laptop, with vivid colors and deep blacks that make movies,...
据戴尔介绍,这块OLED触摸屏的DCI-P3色域为100%,最大亮度为400尼特,100000:1对比度,表面配有抗反射和防污涂层,可以几乎在任何情况下提供真实的色彩。如果用户选择这块OLED触摸屏,会额外加300美元。其他配置上新的XPS 13-9310和普通版本一致,在处理器方面,可选最低英特尔酷睿i3-1115G4,最高则是酷睿i7-1185G7处理...
在2024年的不久前,Dell再次引发业内关注,推出了其备受期待的XPS 13新型号,该设备不仅配备了超高分辨率的触控屏,还融入了许多令人惊叹的创新功能。这款新机型采用了令人印象深刻的3.5K OLED显示屏,分辨率高达3456 x 2160,旨在为用户提供更加细腻的画面效果。搭载第13代英特尔处理器,XPS 13的性能在保证续航的情况下得...
Our review applies only to model 9310 of the Dell XPS 13. We consider the Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 an entirely separate model. Screen 13.4" IPS 1920 x 1200 60Hz Touchscreen (500 cd/m²) 13.4" IPS 3840 x 2400 60Hz Touchscreen (500 cd/m²) 13.4" OLED 3456 x 2160 60Hz Touchscreen...
FOR Dell XPS 13 9310 OLED 3.5K LCD Touch Screen 13.4IN Hinge Up SILVER 4XG21, You can get more details about FOR Dell XPS 13 9310 OLED 3.5K LCD Touch Screen 13.4IN Hinge Up SILVER 4XG21 from mobile site on
近日有报道称,部分戴尔 XPS 13 Plus 笔记本电脑的屏幕存在固定不良的问题。起初有人推测,问题可能出在意外松动的固定螺丝上,但后续报道已更正为粘胶问题。戴尔向 TheVerge 证实,其已知晓部分 OLED 屏存在相关问题。目前该公司正积极向受影响的客户取得联系,并且似乎正在召回一些产品。
DELL 戴尔 笔记本电脑XPS 13 9345骁龙X AI超能本商务办公学生轻薄本超薄便携13.4英寸OLED触控屏 16G 1TB 11919.01元 京东 11-11 23:35 0 0 DELL 戴尔 笔记本电脑 成就15 3530 轻薄本15.6英寸上网课办公商务 新款13代酷睿 13代i7/16G/512G/120Hz屏 4699元 京东 11-18 10:29 0 0 DELL 戴尔 笔记本...
The key thing to note about the design is that like all Dell XPS laptops, it definitely feels premium. Display: One of the best displays on a laptop The 3.5K OLED display is gorgeous Non-OLED options are pretty great too The Dell XPS 13 Plus 9320 has the four display options that are...
The old XPS 13 design was iconic, but this is the future. ✕Remove Ads The Dell XPS 13 9315 is slimmer than its predecessor, the XPS 13 9310, by 0.03 inches, coming in at 0.55 inches. It's also a fair bit lighter at 2.58 pounds instead of 2.8 pounds. While that drop in weight...
XPS 13 9350 配备最新的英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra 处理器,黑五限时秒杀立减1,000元,加赠七合一移动适配器,详询客服。 选购XPS 9350 更多XPS 特惠产品 2/3 暂停 AI 新物种 小企业 AI 的大事业 从桌面到云端的 AI 产品组合,让企业可以合理调整 AI 投资规模,灵活部署 AI 业务,实现业务的 AI转型。AIPC ...