戴尔(DELL) 笔记本扩展坞 Type-c坞站 Dock 雷电Thunderbolt3 4转换器 WD19TBS 180W 雷电3/4扩展坞图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
2. 雷电3 扩展坞 WD19TBS 2.1 官方中文驱动程序和下载地址 地址:https://www.dell.com/support/home/zh-cn/product-support/product/dell-wd19tbs-dock/drivers 2.2 官方中文用户手册 地址:https://www.dell.com/support/home/zh-cn/product-support/product/dell-wd19tbs-dock/docs PDF 地址(未来不确定...
解决方案 Note: The power button on the dock does not power cycle the WD19. The power button emulates computer power button. To resolve the firmware update error, complete these troubleshooting steps: Click Exit in the firmware ...
Dell Docking Station WD19TBS•管制型号 K20A•管制类型 K20A001 UKRAINIAN - Declaration of Conformity 查看PDF Dell Docking Station WD19TBS•管制型号 K20A•管制类型 K20A001 UNITED KINGDOM - Declaration of Conformity 视频 本部分包含适用于您的产品的视频。请参阅视频教程...
Table 1:WD19 and WD22 series dock drivers and firmware. NOTE:To learn more about installing device drivers, see the Dell knowledgebase articleHow to Download and Install Dell Drivers. NOTE:Drivers for third-party devices such as keyboards, mouses, and printers, must be installed, ...
Power cycle the dock once the firmware has been updated. (See instructions for the reset procedure above) Test the Docking Station to see if the issues are resolved. Table 1: WD19 Dock Drivers and Firmware. Dock Drivers and FirmwareNotes Realte...
11 Accessories for Dell Thunderbolt Dock WD19TBS (with 130W Power Delivery) No 3.5mm ports. USB-C, Thunderbolt 3, HDMI, Dual DisplayPort, Black All Accessories (11) Cables (4) Wall Mounts (3) Networking (1) Television Accessories (2) Came...
WD19 系列坞站固件更新失败 更新WD19 系列坞站固件时可能会出错。“Error: Unable to reboot WD19.Please power cycle the dock to complete the update.”更新的 EC 固件部分旁边会显示红色 X 号。(图 1.)更新任何 WD...
更新任何 WD19 或 WD19S 系列擴充基座上的韌體時,可能會發生此錯誤。 圖1.- WD19 擴充基座韌體更新失敗。 Cause 這些電腦使用舊版 Thunderbolt 驅動程式,而 BIOS 會協助 Thunderbolt 韌體。但是,更高版本的 Windows 10 (19H1 或更高版本)...
Describe the bug Trying to update Dell dock WD19TB but the update always stays "Updates will complete ..". Steps to Reproduce sudo fwupdmgr enable-remote lvfs-testing sudo fwupdmgr refresh sudo fwupdmgr get-devices sudo fwupdmgr get-upda...