Dell Docking Station - WD19S 180 WBoost your PC’s power up to 130 W with ExpressCharge on the world’s most powerful and first modular dock with a future-ready design. WD19S 180 W is a simplified version of WD19 180 W without 3.5 mm ports. Industry Standard CompatibilityThe WD19S...
Dell Dock- WD19S 90w Power Delivery - 130w AC - 90 W 33.3 out of 5 Stars. 3 reviews Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Dell WD19S 180W Docking Station (130W Power Delivery) Restored Best seller Add $74.99current price $74...
首先考虑的是dell原厂扩展坞,至于为什么选了TB16,而没有选WD15,因为xps13上的是雷电3接口,最大带宽达到40Gbs。WD15虽然有mDP接口支持dp1.2,但是根据wd用户手册显示其连接电脑端的type-c接口最大只提供了10.8Gbs的DisplayPort带宽(两条DP通道),有一个硬伤就是外接4k显示器不能达到60hz刷新率。 在wd15的用户手册...
可以认为没区别;* 坞站电源用的以前 Dell 电脑的,功率 130W;* USB 蓝口前面两个、后面一个,其...
Dell Docking Station - WD19S 180 WBoost your PC’s power up to 130 W with ExpressCharge on the world’s most powerful and first modular dock with a future-ready design. WD19S 180 W is a simplified version of WD19 180 W without 3.5 mm ports. Industry Standard CompatibilityThe WD19S...
Dell Docking Station - WD19S 180 WBoost your PC’s power up to 130 W with ExpressCharge on the world’s most powerful and first modular dock with a future-ready design. WD19S 180 W is a simplified version of WD19 180 W without 3.5 mm ports. Industry Standard CompatibilityThe WD19S...
Dell Docking Station - WD19S 180 WBoost your PC’s power up to 130 W with ExpressCharge on the world’s most powerful and first modular dock with a future-ready design. WD19S 180 W is a simplified version of WD19 180 W without 3.5 mm ports. Industry Standard CompatibilityThe WD19S...