I have an HP server that has a Dell VIRTUAL DISK SCSI Disk Device setup on it and is using the SAS 6/IR controller. I find this weird since those are dell products. We have had a few failed disks in the past 2 weeks and would like a gui to look at. Can the array be ma...
PD(Physical?Disk):?物理磁盘 HS:Hot?Spare?热备 Mgmt:管理 一、R730服务器阵列卡配置: 1、开机,CTRL+R快捷键进入阵列卡设置界面,如图: 2、进入阵列卡配置界面,如图: 3、创建虚拟磁盘VD(Virtual?Disk),按F2进入创建VD界面,如图: 选中CreateNewVD,创建新的VD。进入如下界面: 选择适合的RAIDLevel在这里我们做...
VD(Virtual Disk): 虚拟磁盘,虚拟磁盘可以不使用阵列的全部容量,也就是说一个磁盘组可以分为多个VD。 Centos7为DellR730服务器挂载RAID10硬盘的方法 这需要先卸载/home原来的挂载点,在此之前先使用tar命令备份/home下的数据,执行以下命令:tar -cvf /tmp/home.tar /home,接着执行sudo umount /home,但是提示devi...
PD(Physical?Disk):?物理磁盘 HS:Hot?Spare?热备 Mgmt:管理 一、R730服务器阵列卡配置: 1、开机,CTRL+R快捷键进入阵列卡设置界面,如图: 2、进入阵列卡配置界面,如图: 3、创建虚拟磁盘VD(Virtual?Disk),按F2进入创建VD界面,如图: 选中CreateNewVD,创建新的VD。进入如下界面: 选择适合的RAIDLevel在这里我们做...
Targetdiskfailsduringreplacememberoperation96 Amemberdiskfailureisreportedinthevirtualdiskwhichundergoesreplacememberoperation96 Linuxoperatingsystemerrors96 Virtualdiskpolicyisassumedaswrite-through96 UnabletoregisterSCSIdeviceerrormessage97 Driveindicatorcodes97 HIIerrormessages98 UnhealthyStatusofthedrivers98 Rebuilding...
Virtual Disks (虚拟磁盘 ) 单击 “Virtual Disks” (虚拟磁盘 )对象可以查看关于控制器上所配置虚拟磁盘的信息。根据用户组权限的不同, “Virtual Disks” (虚拟磁盘 )对象操作窗口可包含以下选项卡: “Configuration/Information” (配置/信息)。 Configuration/Information (配置/信息) 在“Configuration/Information...
3. Reboot the virtual machine. 4.7 Note: See the VMware Knowledge Base for the most current information about setting the queue depth with different vSCSI controllers or operating systems. Setting operating system disk timeouts For each operating system, if VMware tools are not installed, the disk...
0 0 0 Disk Dell VIRTUAL DISK 1028 0 8 0 EnclServ DP BACKPLANE 1.07 5942b0b02dcf1a00 8 Hidden RAID Devices: B___T Device Vendor Product Rev SASAddress PhyNum 0 1 PhysDisk 0 SEAGATE STSS ES62 5000cc4b95d 1 0 9 PhysDisk 1 SEAGATE STSS ES62 5000cc4bd95 0 【查看Raid状态】:进...
13 Virtual disk features...13 TRIM for SATA SSDs...
13、izards: RAID ConfigurationSeiect RAID LevelStep 2 of 5 Setecl RAID LevelSelect the RAID level foe the virtual diskF RAIDO忸 RAID 1RAID 5RAID 6RAID 10RAID 50RAID 60ORAID-1 - Mrrors or duplicates data from one physical disk to another If a physical disk fails, data is rebuilt uscg...