Of course, besides those known issues with flickering in some combinations of cables and connections. Now it is connected with USB-C > DP adaptor cable and works like a charm. BTW, according to rtings.com, it is Flicker-Free and has PWM Dimming Frequency >1000 ...
Please refer to website below: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/32208/Intel-82567-Gigabit-Ethernet-Controller Since this is an embedded NIC on Dell system, have you checked with Dell for customized driver as it is recommended to use the driver from the OEM system ven...
- Modify file usb_ethernet.c,add api netifapi_dhcp_cleanup(&sc->ac_if),and modify file composite.c ,add api device_is_uvc(void). * platform: - fixed pclint of platform - Fix the version. - Modify MMU config * shell:
Please refer to website below: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/32208/Intel-82567-Gigabit-Ethernet-Controller Since this is an embedded NIC on Dell system, have you checked with Dell for customized driver as it is recommended to use the driver from the OEM system vend...
https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/32208/Intel-82567-Gigabit-Ethernet-Controller Since this is an embedded NIC on Dell system, have you checked with Dell for customized driver as it is recommended to use the driver from the OEM system vendor which is more suitable for yo...
I've set everything up that various internet threads I've read have said to do, this includes: BIOS: Enable the adaptor (duh) Enable Remote Wake Up Disable Low Power Mode Windows: Disable Fast Startup Make sure, under the Power Management tab, that all ...