packagename.exe /s /u=c:\pkg.log packagename.exe /s /u="c:\Update Log\pkg.log" CLI 退出代码 退出代码帮助您在运行 DUP 后确定并分析执行结果. 运行 DUP 之后,设置如表 5-3 所述的退出代码. 表 5-3. 退 出 代码 值信息 名称 0 SUC...
packagename.exe /s /u="c:\Update Log\pkg.log" CLI 退出代码 退出代码帮助您在运行 DUP 后确定并分析执行结果. 运行 DUP 之后,设置如表 5-3 所述的退出代码. 表 5-3. 退 出 代码 值信息 名称 0 SUCCESSFUL 1 UNSUCCESSFUL (FAILURE) 2 RE...
You may also need to complete some or all of the following steps: NOTE: Run the DUP Check option on the target system and ensure that the system meets the prerequisites for performing an update. To run the check from the CLI, type: packagename.exe /c /s. To run the check from the...
If you failed to update Dell drivers and got error message “The update installer operation is unsuccessful“, you can try tips in this post to fix the problem. The problem can be very easy to fix. The error message may appear like this: Tip 1: Copy the installer file to desktop a...
早于 DUP 7.2 框架的较旧版本的默认路径为 %SystemDrive%\dell\updatepackage\log 。 8 7.2 DUP 框架的日志文件路径为: Windows Server 2003:%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Dell \UpdatePackage\log Windows Server 2008 和 Windows Server 2012 :%SystemDrive%\Program Data\...
BIOS Update 允许您使用基于 DOS 或 UEFI shell 的 快擦写公用程序更新 BIOS.对于不需要本地 BIOS 更新的环境,建议将 Control(BIOS 更新 此选项设置为 Disabled(禁用).默认情况下,BIOS Update Control(BIOS 更新控制)选项设置为 Unlocked 控制) (解除锁定). 注: 使用 Dell Update Package 的 BIOS 更新不受此...
"If the installation is unsuccessful with the .exe file, try installing using the .zip file" Section Did #1; #2 irrelevant as already there; did #s 3 to 10 (see attached screenshots) I videoed the next part so you can watch it (see wetransfer link as first video too...
"If the installation is unsuccessful with the .exe file, try installing using the .zip file" Section Did #1; #2 irrelevant as already there; did #s 3 to 10 (see attached screenshots) I videoed the next part so you can watch it (see wetransfer link as first video...
Fencing is unsuccessful since the network is unavailable and the HA service continues to run on the active server. 5) Fence device failure - simulated by disconnecting the iDRAC cable from the server. If the iDRAC on a server fails, the server will be fenced via the network PDUs which are...
bypassingtheuseofsignedDellupdatepackages).ManyofthethirdpartyPCIeandstoragedevices shippedwithPowerEdgeserversuseahardwareRoot-of-Trusttovalidatetheirrespectivefirmwareupdates. Ifanyfirmwareinanydeviceissuspectedofmalicioustampering,ITadministratorscanrollbackmanyofthe platformfirmwareimagestoapriortrustedversionstoredin...