U2417H U2417HA U2417HJ U2417HWI U2515H U2518D U2518DA U2713H U2713HM U2715H U2717D U2717DA U2718Q U2718QM U2913WM U2917W U3014 U3415W U3417W U3818DW UZ2215H UZ2315H UZ2715H Monitore der Dell UltraSharp PremierColor (UP) Serie UP2720Q und UP2720QA UP3218K und UP3218K...
Nástroj DDM 2.x umožňuje synchronizovat barevný prostor monitoru s přidruženým profilem International Color Consortium (ICC). Obrázek 26: Color Management Vzdálená správa a řízení (pouze pro správce IT) Nástroj DDM 2.1 se dodává s příkazy CLI pro následující ...
Dell U2515h color calibration profile, include Icm and icc profile 上传者:the_7th_park时间:2018-05-11 戴尔dell U2417H显示器驱动板 编号L5114-1748.A1402.0011 MX25L1606E BIOS固件 戴尔dell U2417H显示器驱动板 编号L5114-1748.A1402.0011 MX25L1606E BIOS固件 ...
在win7时,windows为了提高效率,将系统自带icc profile loader 精度降低;win10时,原本支持色彩管理的老图片查看器被默认弃用,用户除非手动改注册表文件,只能使用不支持色域映射的新图片软件。将原本支持的功能取消,这真是一种进步 nagezai 内牛满面 13 暖贴 1朕射你无罪 内牛满面 13 u2417h表示支持,色彩管理...
All updates to this product will be posted below. Click 'Follow Product Status' to receive notifications when there are updates for this product. Product Purchased Jul 29 Unpacking Aug 4 Testing Sep 15 Writing Review Sep 22 Editing Sep 26 ...
The design of the Dell U2717D is almost the same as Dell's other monitors in the Ultrasharp range, such as theU2715H. It has a rectangular stand with a small footprint, which feels very stable. It also has a good range of ergonomic adjustments, so finding a comfortable viewing positio...
- Compatible with these Dell Monitors: E1914H,E1916H,E2014H,E2014T,E2016H,E2214H,E2216H,E2314H E2316H,E2414H,E2416H,E2715H,P1914S,P2014H,P2016,P2214H,P2314H P2414H,P2415Q,P2416D,P2714H P2715Q,P2815Q,U2414H,U2415,U2417HJ,U251...
U2417H U2417HA U2417HJ U2417HWI U2515H U2518D U2518DA U2713H U2713HM U2715H U2717D U2717DA U2718Q U2718QM U2913WM U2917W U3014 U3415W U3417W U3818DW UZ2215H UZ2315H UZ2715H Skærme i Dell UltraSharp Premier-farven (UP) UP2720Q eller UP2720QA UP3218K eller UP3218K...
You can download our ICC profile calibrationhere. 8.8 SDR Color Gamut sRGB xy 99.5% Adobe RGB xy 75.3% The Dell U2515H has no issues covering the standard RGB color gamut almost perfectly. Unfortunately, its reproduction of the wider Adobe RGB gamut is not sufficient for more professional use...
U2417H U2417HA U2417HJ U2417HWI U2515H U2518D U2518DA U2713H U2713HM U2715H U2717D U2717DA U2718Q U2718QM U2913WM U2917W U3014 U3415W U3417W U3818DW UZ2215H UZ2315H UZ2715H Monitore der Dell UltraSharp PremierColor (UP) Serie UP2720Q und UP2720QA UP3218K und UP3218K...