Monitor Podstawa Kabel zasilania (zależy od kraju) Kabel DisplayPort (Mini DP do DP) U2413: Kabel DVI-D (Single Link) U2713H: Kabel DVI-D (Dual Link) Kabel przesyłania danych USB 3.0 (udostępnia porty USB monitora) Przewiązka kabli na rzep Informacje dotyczące bezpieczeńs...
The monitor features include: ■ U2413: 60.96 cm (24.0-inch) viewable area display (measured diagonally). 1920 x 1200 resolution, plus full-screen support for lower resolutions. ■ U2713H: 68.47 cm (27.0-inch) viewable area display (measured diagonally). 2560 x 1440 resolution, plus full-...
如何设置双显示器或多显示器 受影响的产品 Dell U2413, Dell U2415, Dell U2417H, Precision M4800 提供反馈 准确性 有用性 易于理解 这篇文章对您有帮助吗? 是 否 其他信息 (可选) 0/3000 个字符 字母、数字和除 < > ( ) \ 以外的...
check it, but maybe monitor’s USB hub drivers are not properly installed, or maybe it’s a DUCCS bug. Sadly, if this happens, you are on your own.
楼上答的是什么东西?dell xrite monitor application 是dell和xrite合作的屏幕较色软件,支持Dell U2713H U3014 U2413 等屏幕,要支持硬件较色,此外还需要xrite指定较色仪 检测
monitor to the desired position and collaborate more easily. It can easily be attached to the U3014, U2713H, U2413 and select Dell monitor panels with a simple snap to the Dell Quick Release mount at the back of the monitor without needing screws. With the MDS14 dual monitor ...
i was going to get the dell u2713h but heard bad things about the hardware calibration support or lack of -- i have also heard that LG ?model has an excellent monitor for photo processing --- any help would be greatly appreciated -- i am a nubee but want to do it right than...
DELL-U2413校色文件.rar DELL-U2413校色文件.rar 上传者:JiDan8881时间:2020-05-08 外星人17寸笔记本 LG屏校色配置文件加软件 外星人17寸笔记本 LG屏校色配置文件加软件 LG的屏幕一般都是发白 用了这个配置文件后 显示更细腻 上传者:zhuaishen973时间:2018-02-24 ...
The monitor features include: ■ U2413: 60.96 cm (24.0-inch) viewable area display (measured diagonally). 1920 x 1200 resolution, plus full-screen support for lower resolutions. ■ U2713H: 68.47 cm (27.0-inch) viewable area display (measured diagonally). 2560 x 1440 resolution, plus full-...