This could be caused by a faulty screen, video card (GPU), or video settings on your laptop. Try plugging in to an external source or T.V. to test if the screen on the laptop is the issue. Running hardware diagnostics can help you identify related issues and other troubleshooting steps...
Dell PN7522W 酷睿笔记本笔用户指南说明书 Dell Premier Rechargeable Active Pen PN7522W User’s Guide
Hello, My Dell XPS 9360 (2017) screen kinda went crazy all of a sudden. The laptop is perfectly usable with an external screen connected, but the built-in one is most of the time turned off and sporadically surges back to life, displaying an image for ha
Chapter9:Troubleshooting125 DellSupportAssistPre-bootSystemPerformanceCheckdiagnostics125 RunningtheSupportAssistPre-BootSystemPerformanceCheck125 Power-SupplyUnitBuilt-inSelf-Test125 System-diagnosticlights126 Recoveringtheoperatingsystem127 RealTimeClock—RTCreset128 Backupmediaandrecoveryoptions128 Wi-Fipowercycle128...
摘要: 有关使用 Inspiron 灵越 15 3565、访问驱动程序和下载以及如何对性能低下、硬盘、启动、交流适配器/电池等问题进行故障排除的信息 详细文章 症状 原因 解决方案 受影响的产品 提供反馈 请选择产品以检查文章相关性 识别您的产品 症状快速链接戴尔计算机Inspiron 灵越 3567 设置、...
screen. NOTE:Thedevicelistmaynotdisplaythenamesofallcomponentsinstalledonyourcomputeroralldevices attachedtoyourcomputer. ParametersAllowsyoutocustomizethetest,ifapplicable,bychangingthetestsettings. SolvingProblems Followthesetipswhentroubleshootingyourcomputer: Ifyouaddedorremovedapartbeforetheproblemstarted,reviewthe...
进入32位诊断的Customer Test,选择Pointing Device下面的NextWindow Touchscreen Controller,双击进入触摸屏测试界面,屏幕角落出现4个空心方框,用户可以触摸点击每个方框,如果触摸屏是好的,方框会变成实心填充。 摄像头诊断: Studio One:
It gave me a blue screen indicating my “device ran into a problem,” and was “collecting some error info.” The stop code was “Unexpected Kernel Mode Trap,” and “what failed was WppRecorder.sys.” When my system restarted, I followed many of the troubleshooting steps in the WinRe ...
Features of the Latitude 7320 Detachable Active Pen Feature Functionality Tip Move the tip over the touch screen to move the pointer. Allows you to write, draw, select objects, and so on. Bottom barrel button Press and hold this button and move the tip over the area you want to erase. ...