ML3磁带库 价格 ¥ 139240.87 加入购物车 继续 E-Value代码 ml3-a430206cn评论 评论 由经过验证的用户通过电子邮件、“我的账户”或在活动中提供。驱动程序、手册与支持 戴尔支持 从驱动程序和手册到诊断工具和更换部件,戴尔产品支持可满足您的一切需求。 立即开始 ...
Dell ML3是功能强大的磁带库,有助于组织自动完成其备份过程,以减少人工干预的需要和人为错误的风险。Dell ML3使用光学磁带盒定位技术,用于精确处理和清点磁带盒,有助于提高备份的整体可靠性。 简化操作 简化操作 使用邮件槽可以单独导入和导出磁带,或使用两个磁带仓之一每次导入16个(ML3)或20个(ML3E)磁带。磁带...
™ • Dell EMC ML3 Tape Library Getting Started Guide 提供了拆开包装和初始安装信息。 • IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager 文档(位于 /docs/en/sgklm/4.1)包 ® 含可帮助您安装、配置和使用 IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager 的信息。 xxviii Dell EMC ML3 磁带库: 用户指南 第 1 ...
When combined with Dell EMC ML3 scalable tape libraries, which feature the latest LTO technology, users have a solution that provides Ethernet connected LTO tape for open-compute, cloud-based and hyperscale environments. ATTO XstreamCORE ET 8200 allows Dell EMC ML3 tape library users: Lower cost...
Tape Library Dell EMC ML3E Tape Expansion Scalability of up to 480TB (native) each per ML3 and ML3E Scalable SAN backup base model plus expansion will scale up to 21U with addition of six ML3E (3U expansion modules) PowerVault TL1000 Tape Autoloader Up to 108TB (native) Entry-level...
xx Dell EMC ML3 Tape Library: Users Guide • When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables. • Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or structural damage. • Do not attempt to switch on power to the machine until all possible...
The Dell PowerVault ML6030 is an intelligent, modular tape library that functions as the backup target for storage area network (SAN) environments for true disaster recovery.
EMC PowerVault Tape ML3 (48E) 04/30/2032 Get in touch EMC RecoverPoint Gen 5 Server 09/30/2022 Get in touch EMC RecoverPoint Gen 6 Server 01/31/2027 Get in touch EMC RecoverPoint Gen1 03/31/2013 Get in touch EMC RecoverPoint Gen3 02/28/2014 Get in touch EMC RecoverPoint Gen4 01/...
Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) EX500 Gen 3 07 / 30 / 2030 Azure Stack Hub 14G R840 01 / 31 / 2031 PowerVault Tape ML3e 04 / 30 / 2032 PowerVault ML3e 04 / 30 / 2032 PowerVault Tape ML3 (48E) 04 / 30 / 2032 Never...
Each tape cartridge in the logical library is assigned to a drive letter or mount point and shows up as a directory under the drive letter or mount point. You can drag and drop data to the directories and create directories as needed for your specific needs. Dell EMC ML3/ML3E PowerVault...