首先,support assist on board diagnose是戴尔电脑内置的supportassist技术的一部分,该技术用于自动检测、诊断和修复电脑问题。当出现result code 2000-0000时,这可能表明存在硬件问题或者BIOS设置问题。对于您提到的问题,您可以先尝试以下方法:1. 重新启动电脑并进入BIOS设置。在屏幕上出现戴尔徽标时,按F2键直到显示...
<在提示时,选择 boot to onboard CD/DVD drive,然后从计算机随附的驱动程序 CD 启动。将询问您是否要引导至 32 位诊断程序,剩余选项和步骤i 中相同。 第三个选项是转至戴尔支持网站并输入服务标签。在 drivers and downloads 下,您将看到一个标记为 diagnostics 的下拉框。您可以在此处下载诊断程序的 ISO,以...
很慌中…… 分享8赞 dell吧 WeSheilo 求助开机进supportassistonboarddiagnoseg3 3500开机自动进support assist on board diagnose自检 完成后都成功 result code 2000-0000 退出后开机还是进自检 从网上学着把enable secure boot调成了off 还是同样状况 最后进行系统的重装也不行,进行硬盘自检也没有问题 求助吧友...
Run Hardware Diagnosticsif you meet the Dell SupportAssist hard drive not installed error, you can also choose the built-in tool. Dell laptops frequently have built-in diagnostic tools that you can use to solve hard drive not installed issues on Dell or Dell latitude laptop. Here's how you ...
Troubleshooting65 Handling swollen Lithium-ion batteries 65 SupportAssist diagnostics65 System diagnostic lights66 4 Contents Enabling Intel Optane memory 67 Disabling Intel Optane memory67 Flea power release 67 Wi-Fi power cycle68 Chapter 6: Getting help and contacting Dell 69 Contents 5 1 Safety inst...
f2进去可以看到硬盘型号,f5检测不到硬盘 分享回复赞 戴尔7557吧 我是蛋清525 求助,打开电脑后显示no bootable devices.strike F1 to retry boot,F2 for setup utility.press F5 to run onboard diagnostics。 求大佬救命 分享62 戴尔笔记本吧 闇插崕娴擆煃 开机的时候自动弹出了supportassist进不了系统,还有警报声...
SupportAssist 支持19 PSA/ePSA 诊断程序19 运行 PSA 诊断程序19 PSA and ePSA Diagnostics error codes19 在 Windows 操作系统中使用 WinDbg 调试 mini crash dump 文件36 4 硬件问题故障排除 41 排查系统启动故障41 未找到可引导设备41 外部连接故障排除 42 视频子系统故障排除42 USB 设备故障排除42 iDRAC Direct...
NOTE: Dell SupportAssist Pre-boot diagnostics upon launch, initiates an LCD BIST first, expecting a user intervention confirm functionality of the LCD. Device status lights Table 5. Device status lights Icon Name Description Power Turns on when you turn on the computer and blinks when the ...
如果 BIOS 检测新的系统板,并且如果备份闪存设备中存在服务标签,BIOS 将显示服务标签,许可证状 态和 UEFI Diagnostics 版本. 2. 请执行以下操作之一: • 要还原服务标签,许可证和诊断信息,请按 Y. • 要导航至基于 Lifecycle Controller 的还原选项,请按 N. • 要从先前创建的硬件服务器配置文件还原数据,...
When the laptop arrived it was occasionally crashing and reporting Memory errors (BIOS/POST/SupportAssist tests saying there is bad memory in one of the slots) but despite all that DELL decided to first replace the motherboard leaving the fault RAM in place because apparently this is what Dell...