1、打开网址:http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/cn/zh/cnbsd1/DriversHome/?c=cn&s=bsd&cs=cnbsd1&l=zh;2、输入您机器上的7位服务编码或者10-11位的快速服务代码定位您的机型;3、将页面往下拉,选择需要下载使用驱动程序对应的操作系统版本,如windows 7 64bit;4、在下方页面选择需下载...
您好:/戴尔 Inspiron 5420开机慢应该是您的机子设置问题,以下方法供您参考:建议尽量不要安装国产的一些第三方优化软件。1、您可以到官方查询更新显卡驱动等,驱动更新为最新的。戴尔经官方驱动 http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/cn/zh/cnbsd1/DriversHome/?c=cn&s=bsd&cs=cnbsd1&l=zh 2 ...
欢迎获得全新的支持体验。请定期查阅有关您产品的更新、新功能和有用信息。 获得完全访问权限。 登录 创建账户 Inspiron 14R 5420 (End of Life) 显示设备详细信息 快速链接 Loading drivers账户 支持 联系我们 网站地图 CN/ZH 我们的产品和服务 我们的公司 我们...
my CPU is an Intel Pentium Gold G5420, but the driver assistant recommends me the version of a new driver which is Intel® Graphics Driver but when it runs it extracts the driver download and flashes the installation screen and checks for drivers again within the driver ass...
轻触或单击 Find Drivers。 在Operating System 下,选择 BIOS。 找到最新的系统BIOS。 单击Download,将文件保存到您的计算机。 使用文件资源管理器(也称为Windows资源管理器)浏览至保存已下载的文件所在的位置。 双击BIOS 设置文...
This driver file may have been installed on your Dell Windows operating system when you used firmware update utility packages, Dell Command Update, Dell Update, Alienware Update, Dell System Inventory Agent, or Dell Platform Tags, including when using any Dell notification solution to update drivers...
BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO on DELL Inspiron 5420 Laptop- You are welcome mate. If your dell is officially supported for windows 10 and the drivers are available in dell's site, then the issue would not have taken place; IMHO. But unfortunately it is not the fact. Product Support | Dell ...