附件是Dell S2721DGF ICC配置 文件; S2721DGF本已经很优秀,但还是有些遗憾,有一些现成的问题。较亮的灰色阴影中存在明显的误差,并且大多数颜色无法正确显示。另一方面,伽玛遵循sRGB目标曲线,并且只显示了一些较暗的场景,细节还是不够清晰和层次,经过专业的校调后,颜色更出色,任何颜色或白平衡均无明显问题。Gamma...
The Dell S2721DGF is a 27 inch, 1440p monitor gaming monitor with a fast refresh rate and great gaming features. The IPS panel delivers wide viewing angles, and it has excellent ergonomics. It has a remarkable response time at the max refresh rate, with very little blur behind fast-moving...
戴尔S2721DGF等很多广色域LED背光显示器会引起刺眼(LED背光技术的负面效果),再加win系统默认色彩管理缺陷导致,强烈推荐安装官方驱动和ICC色彩配置文件,亲测效果不错,安装以戴尔S2721DGF为例。 所用谷歌浏览器(上面装完记得重启),测试网站:https://webkit.org/blog-files/color-gamut/comparison.html,以自己显示器所...
The Dell S2721DGF is much better overall than the Dell S2719DGF. The S2721DGF has a faster refresh rate, and the IPS panel delivers much better viewing angles. The S2721DGF adds HDR support, but due to the low peak brightness and disappointing contrast, this doesn't add much. 0 Check...
Dell S2721DGF ICC配置 文件 附件是Dell S2721DGF ICC配置 文件; S2721DGF本已经很优秀,但还是有些遗憾,有一些现成的问题。较亮的灰色阴影中存在明显的误差,并且大多数颜色无法正确显示。另一方面,伽玛遵循sRGB目标曲线,并且只显示了一些较暗的场景,细节还是不够清晰和层次,经过专业的校调后,颜色更出色,任何颜色...
Dell S2721DGF SEE PRICEAmazon The Dell S2721DGF and the Dell S2722QC are different types of monitors. The S2722QC is designed for productivity, as it has a 4k screen and more office features like a USB-C input and Picture-in-Picture and Picture-by-Picture modes, meaning you can connec...
Please HELP, When I apply your ICC profile, display changes to blue tint… please help… We don’t suggest copying our ICC profile because each unit requires different calibration values, which is why you’re getting a blue tint. You should delete the file and reset the color settings, and...
It has a 165Hz refresh rate, and it's designed for gamers who need a budget-friendly yet reliable gaming monitor. That said, it's hard to find through most retailers, but you can often find it on sale directly through Dell's website. It's newer than the popular Dell S2721DGF, and...
ICC Profile Download After calibration, the Dell S2722DGM has outstanding accuracy. Gamma is much closer to the sRGB target curve, with just a few very minor deviations. White balance and color accuracy are nearly perfect, and the color temperature didn't really change, as it was already cl...
All updates to this product will be posted below. Click 'Follow Product Status' to receive notifications when there are updates for this product. Product Purchased Jul 29 Unpacking Aug 4 Testing Sep 15 Writing Review Sep 22 Editing Sep 26 ...