(80+ GOLD)iDRAC6, BMC,符合 IPMI 2.0, Dell OpenManageHP DL160G6 IBM x3550 M3 联想 R510 G7 曙光 I610r-GV 华为 RH1285R415 居于 AMD 具备企业级功能的双路机架式服务器,在处理能力和价格之间取得了完美平衡1UAMD 皓龙™ 4100/4200 系列处理器2AMD(SR5670 和SP5100)最高可配 128 GB(8 个DIMM ...
DELL全系服务器对比 服务器参数快速索引指南 Dell PowerEdge (仅供内部使用, 具体参数仅供参考, 如果有偏差, 请以网站或者Specsheet为准)2012年2月24日定稿
Although limited in internal disk capacity compared to the other server models presented, it scales beyond the R510 in memory (eighteen DIMMS compared to eight) and provides more I/O options. Storage capabilities may be expanded by using Dell PowerVault MD1200 or ...
DELL全系服务器对比 服务器参数快速索引指南 Dell PowerEdge (仅供内部使用, 具体参数仅供参考, 如果有偏差, 请以网站或者Specsheet为准)2012年2月24日定稿
Quest got me a Dell PowerEdge 1900 to use as a virtualization host, and it’s been great. Two quad-core CPUs, 16gb of memory, six SATA drives in a RAID 10, and about a hundred pounds of solid steel. Seriously, the case is bulletproof and gawdawful heavy. ...
(80+SILVER) iDRAC6,BMC,符合IPMI2.0,Dell OpenManage HPDL165G7 曙光A410r-G R510 双路2U大容量的多用途机架式 服务器 2U 英特尔®至强® 5500/5600系列处 理器 2 Intel® 5500 高达128GB (8个DIMM插槽) 4个3.5"SAS/SATA或 8个热插拔3.5"或2.5"SAS/SATA/SSD或 12个热插拔3.5"或2.5"SAS/SATA...
Although limited in internal disk capacity compared to the other server models presented, it scales beyond the R510 in memory (eighteen DIMMS compared to eight) and provides more I/O options. Storage capabilities may be expanded by using Dell PowerVault MD1200 or MD1220 direct attached storage ...
Although limited in internal disk capacity compared to the other server models presented, it scales beyond the R510 in memory (eighteen DIMMS compared to eight) and provides more I/O options. Storage capabilities may be expanded by using Dell PowerVault MD1200 or MD1220 direct attached storage ...
DellPowerEdge服务器参数快速索引指南 (仅供内部使用,具体参数仅供参考,如果有偏差,请以网站或者Specsheet为准)DellConfidential 产品类型产品型号说明外形塔式CPU四核英特尔®至强®E3-1200处理器双核英特尔®酷睿®i3-2100处理四核英特尔®至强®3400系列处理器处理芯片组器插1Intel®C202内存硬盘类型 基于英特尔...