(NCR) paper l Preprinted papers with chemicals that may contaminate the printer l Preprinted papers that can be affected by the temperature in the printer fuser l Preprinted papers that require a registration (the precise print location on the page) greater than ±0.09...
This error code refers to an issue with the CTD/ADC sensors located just inside the rear of the printer. These sensors may not necessarily need replacing, with the issue fixed just by cleaning the sensors in some (or most) cases, as the build up of toner dust on the sensors can cause...
• To resolve the error, look at the error message and its instructions from the troubleshooting part. • You can also resolve the error with the guidelines from the Printer Status Monitor program window. • If the problem persists, call a service representative. 6 Status LED Status Off ...
Power Saver Purpose: To specify the amount of time (in minutes) the printer waits after a job is printed before it goes into a reduced power state. Values: Disabled Disables Power Saver; the fuser remains warm and ready to print at all times. 1...240 Specifies the amount of time after...
B840 B840n B840dn PREFAZIONE Nella stesura di questo manuale è stato fatto il possibile per fornire informazioni complete, precise ed aggiornate. Il costruttore non si assume alcuna responsabilità per le conseguenze di eventuali errori causati da fattori sui quali non ha controllo. Inoltre...