戴尔(DELL)OptiPlex 7040M 微型迷你主机 客厅htpc 戴尔三年联保 单主机 I5-6500T/8G/256G固态/无线蓝牙4099元什么值得买甄选出京东优惠促销商品,包括DELL/戴尔电脑数码报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
This is a Grade A Dell Optiplex 7040 Micro Desktop Computer, featuring an Intel i5-6500T 2.5GH z, with 32GB of RAM, a 500GB Solid State Drive, and a Windows 10 Pro Operating System. This machine is fully refurbished and will offer you years of computing, backed by our 90-Day Warranty...
This is a Grade A Dell Optiplex 7040 Micro Desktop Computer, featuring an Intel i5-6500T 2.5GH z, with 32GB of RAM, a 500GB Solid State Drive, and a Windows 10 Home Operating System. This machine is fully refurbished and will offer you years of computing, backed by our 90-Day Warrant...
Dell 9020M/HP 800G1 DM这样的4代*级Q87芯片组小机箱,仅·18*18*3.5和一本书差不多大,准系统也才三四百,都买不到上面一块昂达的ITX。Dell/HP做工应该还是蛮不错。而且Benchamrk数据比i5-6500T要好,i5-6500T需要搭乘的7040M准系统也更加贵😝。
Dell Optiplex 9020 Tower Computer PC, 3.20 GHz Intel i5 Quad Core Gen 4, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 1TB SATA Hard Drive, Windows 10 Home 64bit 63.3 out of 5 Stars. 6 reviews Dell OptiPlex 7060 Micro Mini PC i7 8700T 16GB RAM UP TO 512GB SSD Win11 WiFi Add $279.88current price $279.88...
CPU i5-8600K Graphics RX 580 + UHD630 Mac Mobile Phone Oct 25, 2020 #29 Try to hackintosh my 7040 micro (i5-6500t) but I can not seem to get past the first hurdle. Any ideas? Attachments 0E5052C8-AB13-4295-8D5C-D2DBAD402607_1_105_c.jpeg 284.9 KB · Views: 153 ...
Dell OptiPlex Desktop Computer with Windows 11 Pro, Intel Core i5 Processor, 16GB RAM, and 1TB HDD, Includes 19" Dual LCD Monitors, Small Form Factor in Black/Grey 2382.7 out of 5 Stars. 238 reviews Dell OptiPlex 7060 - Micro - Core i7 8700T / up to 4 GHz - vPro - RAM 8 GB -...
戴尔(DELL)OptiPlex 7040M 微型迷你主机 客厅htpc 戴尔三年联保 单主机 I5-6500T/8G/256G固态/无线蓝牙 什么值得买是一家中立的消费门户网站,好价信息来自热心值友爆料和商家自荐,经小编人工审核或小值机器人智能判断后发布。促销折扣可能随时变化,请值友们购买前注意核实。 好价信息中“价格标签”及“比价结果...