右侧找到power选项点击然后最右侧拉到底 看到黑圈部分 Power on lid open 将on改成off 就是关闭这个功能(默认打开)最后APPLYCHANGES后点击EXIT退出过一阵子摁开机键 恭喜,一个更适合你的电脑出现啦 一只小明呀 显存党 7 补充 弹出窗口一律选ok就好 sai124681 神论党 9 顶 贴吧用户_QA8NbMX 硬件玩家 5 ...
PowerOnLidOpen設定PowerOnLidOpen功能。以下是可能的值: ●Enabled—如果該功能設為啟用,則只要打開上蓋,系統就會從關機狀態開機。透過AC變 壓器或系統電池供電時,此系統可開機。 ●Disabled—如果此功能設為停用,則每次打開上蓋時,系統都不會從關機狀態開機。 PowerUsageMode設定系統電源使用模式。以下是可能的值:...
The options are: • Enable Lid Switch—enabled by default • Power On Lid Open—enabled by default AC Behavior Allows you to enable or disable the computer from turning on automatically when an AC adapter is connected. • Wake on AC By default, this option is disabled. Enable Intel ...
选项包括: • Enable Lid Switch — 默认已启用 • Power On Lid Open — 默认已启用 AC Behavior 允许您在已连接交流适配器时启用或禁用自动开机的功能. • Wake on AC(交流电唤醒) 该选项默认为禁用. Enable Intel Speed Shift 允许您启用或禁用 Intel Speed Shift Technology 选项.默认情况下,此选项已...
-Enableordisablearrayattributespowerpath initiatorandhostregistrationonthearray -Displaypowerpathhostregistrationinformation. -ConfigureRemoteMachineTable(RMT)usedfor RDFconfigurationthroughREdirectors. -DisplayRemoteMachineTable(RMT)entries. -ConfigureIPInterfaceonREandSEdirector. -SupportSnapshotProtectionPolicyfeature...
If you are facing random wakeups while the lid is closed, apply the following settings: CPU power management is done byCPUFriend.kextwhileCPUFriendDataProvider.kextdefines how it should be done.CPUFriendDataProvider.kextis generated for a specific CPU and power setting. The one supplied in this re...
Free assistance is available for the first 60 days on new purchases, excluding internal hardware installations or networking support. For new PowerSpec computers, this free assistance is extended to one year from the date of purchase. Your invoice reference number will be required for free assistanc...
Quickly charge your Alienware x14 R2 on a compact Gallium Nitride power adapter supported by Express Charge Boost technology. And if you forget your charger at home, you can re-charge with any standard Type-C charger. Based on Dell internal analysis, March 2023. When used with Dell/Alienwa...
Prerequisites for firmware upgrade ● Before you upgrade from ThinOS 9.x to ThinOS 2208, power on the system and disable the sleep mode. If the system has entered the sleep mode, you must send the Wake On LAN command through Wyse Management Suite before using any real-time commands. To ...