Kingston, Samsung, etc. When a computer starts up with a message like hard drive not detected, no boot device found, no boot partition found,missing operating system, hard disk drive failure, etc. It means the computer is unable to find the default hard drive it uses when it loads. There...
该选项启用并且机箱盖板翻开时,该域将显示“DETECTED〞。 Drive Configuration 驱动器设置 Diskette Drive A: 磁盘驱动器A:如果系统中装有软驱,使用该选项可启用或禁用软盘驱动器 Primary Master Drive 第一主驱动器 Primary Slave Drive 第一从驱动器 Secondary Master Drive 第二主驱动器 Secondary Slave Drive 第...
hard disk driver 0 not found :这句意思是 从盘(第2硬盘)没有发现 Warming:Dell's disk monitoring system has detected that drive 0 on the primary EIDE controller is opetating outside of normal specifications.It is advisable to immediately back up your data and replace your hard disk...
PSA 2000-0141 ePSA 2000-0141 Hard Drive - no drive detected Your system BIOS is reporting 1 that no Hard Disk Drive is being reported. If a Portable, reseat the hard drive, if a Desktop, reseat both ends of the data 2 cable and reseat the power cable to the drive. Repeat the PSA ...
(4)Hard disk failure(硬盘失效故障) 控制器卡(多功能卡)故障,硬盘配置不正确,跳线不对,硬盘物理故障。 (5)Hard disk drive read failure(硬盘驱动器读取失效) 控制器卡(多功能卡)松动,硬盘配置不正确,硬盘参数设置不正确,硬盘记录数据破坏等。 (6)No boot device available(无引导设备) ...
WARNING: Dell’s Disk Monitoring System has detected that drive [0/1]on the [primary/secondary]EIDE controller is operating outside of normal specifications。It is advisable to immediately back up your data and replace your hard drive by calling your support desk or Dell(警告:Dell磁盘监测系统检...
Hard-Disk Drive Sequence〔硬盘驱动器顺序〕 确定在系统启动过程中 BIOS 将尝试从硬盘驱动器进行引导的顺序。 USB Flash Drive Emulation Type〔USB 快擦写驱动器仿真类型〕〔默认设置为 Auto [自动]〕 确定 USB 快擦写驱动器的仿真类型。Hard disk〔硬盘〕可让 USB 快擦写驱动器用作硬盘驱动器。Floppy〔软盘〕可...