racadm-r<RACIPaddress>-u<username>-p<password><subcommand><options>#常规方式 racadm-r<RACIPaddress>-i<subcommand><options># 交互式输入密码 racadm-r<RACIPaddress>-u<username>-p<password>help<subcommand>#命令帮助 #实际案例 racadm-r192.168.12.230-u root-p calvin getsysinfo racadm常用子命令:硬件...
PowerSwitch N2048P 部件和升级 筛选器 选择筛选器将刷新筛选结果,并可能影响其他选项的可用性。 产品类别 戴尔产品部件 网络产品 电源和电源配件 品牌 戴尔(24) 客户评级 4 星及以上 (3) 3 星及以上 (3) 2 星及以上 (4) 1 星及以上 (4) 第1 至 12 个结果,共 31 个结果 排序方式 比较 ...
Internal HDD-0 Password Default setting: Not set Allows you to set, change, or delete the password on the system's internal hard-disk drive. NOTE: Successful password changes take effect immediately. Internal HDD-1 Password Default Setting: Not set Allows you to set, change, or delete the ...
Dell Networking N2048P - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable info: We aim to show you accurate product information.Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it. Compare with similar items ...
Default setting: Not set Internal HDD-0 Password Allows you to set, change, or delete the password on the system's internal hard-disk drive. NOTE: Successful password changes take effect immediately. Default Setting: Not set Internal HDD-3 Password Allows you to set, change, or delete the ...
Default Gateway...(网关) (3).LAN UserConfiguration(配置用户) Account User Name ...(用户名) Enter Password...()密码 Confirm Password ... 3.在运维电脑上登陆远程服务器控制卡 (1).在电脑上安装 jdk-6u2-windows-i586-p编程开发.EXE (2).在IE地址栏输入"https://ip[服务器IP地址]"进入配置del...
• The user name is admin, and the password is admin123. • The IP address for the VLAN 1 routing interface is with a subnet mask of • The default gateway is The wizard configures the initial values. After completing...
HP 1920 connecting to HP 1800 and Dell N2048 (Tunk Question) I hope someone can help,We have 5 x HP 1820 switches connected via Trunk on each using the SFPs, Recenetly we put a HP 1920 in front of a 1820 due to needing more connectivity, However this 1920 will not connect...
Remotemanagementserviceiscurrentlydisabled.Doyouwanttoenableit?[y,n,?](default y):y EnterfollowingPPMAhostinformation: EnterPPMAIP:X.X.X.X EnterPPMAusername:ppadmin EnterPPMApassword: Generateserverkey. Serverkeygeneratedsuccessfully. Createservercertificatesigningrequest. Youareabouttobeaskedtoenterinformation...