“NO HDMI Cable”是提示此时HDMI端口(可以输出高清视频音频信号的插口),没有联接相关电缆线。如没使用要求就不用解决。接口没有问题,一但插上HDMI连接线这行字幕就不会出现了。如果你有兴趣可以试试将电脑的音视频信号联到液晶电视机,HDMI接口可以一线传输高清音频和视频。当然,电脑还需装载相关高清...
“NO HDMI Cable”是提示此时HDMI端口(可以输出高清视频音频信号的插口),没有联接相关电缆线。如没使用要求就不用解决。 接口没有问题,一但插上HDMI连接线这行字幕就不会出现了。 如果你有兴趣可以试试将电脑的音视频信号联到液晶电视机,HDMI接口可以一线传输高清音频和视频。当然,电脑还需装载相关高清解码,储存高...
When I connect this to the Jetson, the monitor does not detect the HDMI cable. Tried several times, No luck.Any suggestions what I should try next? I even tried flashing an older version of the image but still no output on the monitor.Thank you 已由linuxdev在帖子 #11中解决...
Monitor suddenly gives "no HDMI signal from your device", except when resolution is set to 1280x720 I have a 13" MacBook Pro early 2015 and recently bought the 4k Dell U2720Q monitor, for this I bought a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cable (Mini DisplayPort 1.2 to HDMI 2.0 cable (4K 60...
弯头hdmi线2.0版4K高清适用于戴尔笔记本电脑机顶盒PS4HDMI高清线 ¥18.81 成交51件 深圳市玩咖科技有限公司 9年 CableCreation 品牌 1.4版DP线165hz显卡8K显示器4K 144hz适用戴尔电脑连接线高清线电 ¥56.0 成交0件 深圳市福田区赛格电子市场辰阳电子经营部 5年 CY,/辰阳 品牌 原装dp线显示器高清线电...
2013 Q40G019N-700-43A DELL Flat Panel Monitor /Monitor Plano Panel / 液晶顯示器/液晶显示器/모니터 Model No. /Modelo /型號/型号/모델명: E2014Hc X X X X X X - XX 输入电源/정격입력: 100-240V 50/60Hz 1.5A 輸入電源: 交流電壓100-240伏特, 1.5安培, 50/60赫茲 ...
戴尔(DELL)P3222QE 31.5英寸4K高清屏显示器(HDMI+DP视频口) 戴尔品牌 7天包换 ¥3599.0 广州奈斯电子科技有限公司4年 戴尔DELL 4K大屏交互式显示屏49英寸 IPS 双QHD曲面屏Type-C 90W Dell/戴尔品牌 一件代发 ¥2980.0 深圳市日进鑫科技有限公司11年 ...
You’ll either be using a VGA, HDMI, or DisplayPort input most of the time. The name of the cable you’re using to connect your monitor should tell you what input source to select. If you have no idea of what input source to select, you can rotate around each one. Even if you’...
The Philips monitor is brand new and indicates "No video input". Intel Graphics Command Centre even correctly identifies the make and model of monitor.I connect (same monitor and same HDMI cable) to any number of other Dell and Samsung laptops in the office and they all work i...